Field Trip – Crystal Cave

I and another mom coordinate four optional field trips a year for our CC community.  We try to find ones that will in some way match up with topics we’re learning in our designated cycle and can appeal to a wide range of ages. Today we took our first trip of the year – to Crystal Cave in Kutztown, PA. 

There was a 15 minute video on the history of Crystal Cave before we entered the cave for an approximately 45 minute tour.  We learned so much and saw some really cool things.  I’m always in awe of what explorers are able to find and make accessible for the rest of us (who would never have entered an unknown pitch black cave filled with at least 6″ of mud and only a candle!). Because of their work, we learned so much! 

The ride home gave us time to discuss some of the presented science that we disagree with us as believers of the Bible.  We also searched for answers from the Bible that are compatible with the effects we observed in the cave today.  It’s always a great training exercise for them to compare presented “facts” to the truth of the Bible. and really, it’s great for me too! Keeps my mind fresh and my thinking critical…in a good way!  And of course, observing nature in this way, always give us a chance to praise the Creator!  Can I get an amen??


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