"...he called out, 'He who has ears to hear, let him hear.'" Luke 8:8 Christmas is such an exciting time in our home, as I'm sure it is in yours too. We want to seize this exciting time to tell our children over and over again about Jesus. To praise His name, to speak of our love, to tell His story. It naturally provides even more … [Read more...]
My Summer Short List – Forming New Habits!
I love saving up big projects for summer. One of my big projects every summer is teaching my littles new habits. When our pace is slower and schedules looser, it allows me to patiently teach my littles the skills they need for the new habits without eating into our school day. When these habits are well formed, it frees me up from … [Read more...]
Easter – Holy Week Timeline
image sourceI know we CC families appreciate a good timeline when we see one. So, when I saw this gospel-based Holy Week timeline, I was eager to share it with all of you. In its current form, I was unable to print it. So, my husband modified it by opening the HD JPG in Microsoft Paint and cropping it into 3 pictures. When … [Read more...]
Presidents' Day Free Printables
image - rockawayrecycling.comOur campus is off tomorrow for the Presidents' Day holiday, but we're going to keep going with our normal work to allow for some other days we need off soon. I'm also throwing these ideas together totally last minute, but they are so easy that you (and I!) can just make them happen easily tomorrow or any day this … [Read more...]
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day – Printables & Ideas
Last minute planning finds me preparing to highlight Martin Luther King Jr. Day at my home tomorrow. I do not want my littles to miss out on these special days simply because they are not part of our regular curriculum. Maybe you're the same as me? If so, here are some simple, but meaningful ideas you could do with your littles … [Read more...]
Thanks Living this Thanksgiving
Just over a week before Thanksgiving and I'm preparing to use Family Life's ThanksLiving Treasures, a little book of biblically based lessons on thankfulness centering around the pilgrims' journey to the first Thanksgiving. It comes with 4 small symbols and 6 postcard sized reproductions of historical paintings to accompany the lessons. … [Read more...]
Election Day – Free Ballot Printable
As I've already shared with you, my family will be conducting an election on Tuesday to determine what we'll be eating for dinner. I've created this ballot to use for our family's voting and this blank ballot for your family's dinner voting. Oh & I'm making sure we do vote secretly, because I'd hate for undue influence to … [Read more...]
Election Coverage
The presidential election is fast approaching and politics are on my mind. You, too? I've found some good ideas to share with our littles!We'll start by doing some copy work with election vocabulary words (p.48-49). Good to start with the grammar, right? Next, we'll have fun doing an election scavenger hunt through … [Read more...]
Fire Safety Month
Since October is fire safety month, a mom in our CC Community arranged for a local fire company to visit our campus during lunch break for a fire safety discussion and walk through the firetruck. My littles are still too young to be monitored for Pennsylvania state guidelines, but from what I understand, this is one of them. I'm so glad … [Read more...]
Summer Learning
Olympic ExcitementThere has been plenty of olympic excitement in my house! How about yours? Here are a few ideas I've pinned that you might want to include in your summer. It's kind of like getting an early start on ancient history, right?Olympic lapbookOlympic craft ideasOlympic cupcakes, anyone? Why not! :) … [Read more...]