Summer Learning

Olympic Excitement

There has been plenty of olympic excitement in my house! How about yours? Here are a few ideas I’ve pinned that you might want to include in your summer.  It’s kind of like getting an early start on ancient history, right?

Olympic lapbook

Olympic craft ideas

Olympic cupcakes, anyone? Why not! 🙂


  1. says

    We’ve been coloring in countries on map printouts each time we see them compete. Some, Seth and I haven’t even known where they were. It’s amazing how many countries the kids already knew, and it has been fun having them find a country theyd didn’t know on our world map and then color them in on the small continent maps Seth printed out.

  2. says

    that’s a great idea! i’ve been super impressed by Kyle’s ability to identify flags from various countries. they learn quickly! oh & mine have also been vaulting themselves around my couches. yours?

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