What We're Doing – Week Five Links

Our campus has this week off due to our facility's schedule.  At home, we'll be focusing on our other curriculum, reviewing all memory work, and perhaps doing a few projects we didn't get around to yet.  But, I know many of you are probably meeting as usual, so I wanted to share my week 5 links anyhow.  History   … [Read more...]

Week Four – Plant Cell

In our reading today, we learned that a plant cell's membrane is semi-permeable.  So, we did a quick science experiment to demonstrate the definition of semi-permeable.  My oldest son held a paper towel between two hands while I ran the faucet in our kitchen sink and another son looked to see if the water would pass through the paper … [Read more...]

Week Four – Reviewing Prepositions

You may have seen this idea before on Pinterest from various sources. Today, I thought it would be fun to set up a "laser obstacle course" to review our prepositions. It was a hit! First my littles took turns trying to navigate it for fun.  Then I called out various prepositions that we're learning and asked them to find a … [Read more...]

Week Three – Animal Cell Diagram

First, each of my littles sketched out a basic animal cell diagram from a picture I had already drawn for them.  I had my oldest also label his with the names of each part.  While they were working, I talked to them about the jobs of each part of the animal cell.  Next, they took various colors of play-doh and filled in the parts of … [Read more...]

What We're Doing – Week Three Links

As you probably noticed last week, I will add in other activities and ideas as time allows and inspiration strikes, but here is the basic list of links we're planning to use in conjunction with our new grammar for week 3.And if inspiration strikes, I'll be sure to share ideas with you!History - Greek gods information & coloring … [Read more...]

Week Two – Living Thing Eating

Okay, so weird title, I agree.  But, our dinner tonight included (at least) one thing from 4 out of the 5 kingdoms of living things.  Did you guess what we made?PIZZA! Thanks to our Creation Science for Kids: Biology Study Unit, we learned that pizza contains ingredients that are from 4 out of the 5 kingdoms of living things. The … [Read more...]

Week Two – Mummy Making

Mummy making happened today! As previously mentioned, I have 3 boys and 1 baby girl so there are no barbies to speak of yet in our home.  So, we used some random plastic figures we had around the house. The boys picked ones they wouldn't mind saying goodbye to, in case they don't clean up well after the mummification process.  In regard … [Read more...]

Cycle One – Week Two – 7 Wonders & Pyramid Building

I liked this video for giving my littles visuals for the size, scale, and some of the mechanics for the seven wonders of the ancient world.  We only watched about the first 7 minutes.  Let me know if you go further and like what it shares!We played this pyramid builder game yesterday, which they really loved! You make … [Read more...]

Creation Science for Kids Giveaway – Winner Announced!

Thank you to all who entered the giveaway for the Creation Science for Kids:Biology Study Unit by Homeschool Curriculum Resources! I hope you all have checked out the free sample pages found on their site! If you haven't yet, I think you would appreciate what you'll see there.  It's Biblically based, well-written, easy to use, and … [Read more...]