If you’re considering or are new to CC, I know from experience it can be a confusing time. So, I’m sharing some posts I think will offer helpful information and make it easier for you to find the answers to, “What is Classical Conversations?”.
Considering Classical Conversations? Start Here! This post explains the programs of CC, community day, and what the cycles cover. It’s kind of like the nuts and bolts of the program.
A Few Things to Know When Starting CC These are my top 5 tips for success with using CC and they might not be the same ones you always hear.
Exploring Your Foundations Guide Do this! When I first purchased my guide, I didn’t realize all it contained. This post guides you through the highlights.
Answering Your Questions about Classical Conversations Some questions seem to pop up regularly. I used this post to answer the ones I hear most.
Being Part of a Community I encourage you not to just attend, but join in. It will make all the difference in your community experience.
Essentials or Challenge Specific posts:
Ready for Essentials? Here’s Some Help! I know I’ll be re-reading this guest post soon, as my oldest and I will be joining this program for the first time this year.
If I Could Start Challenge A Again, I Would Do These 7 Things Differently Another guest post by my bud Julie that you will not want to miss. She gives great tips that can help ease your journey into Challenge.
Posts from other CC bloggers:
Some of these are recent, some not, but they’re all good stuff and offer current CC info.
Why We Love Classical Conversations You know what I love? The Hogans’ list of reasons they love CC. Read it & tell me if you’d add anything! 🙂
Gearing Up for Our Essentials Journey and Reflections on Our First Year of Essentials These book end posts share a great bit of information on tackling your first year of Essentials with your student.
Classical Conversations – Our 3rd Year Update I love reading Heidi’s experience with CC. She’s an introvert, which is a label I’d never give myself and I imagine no one else would give me either ;), so I learn so much from her perspective. This post is also very thorough, so if you have lots of questions – pour a cup of coffee and dig in!
Classical Conversations Tutor Reflections: Year 1 vs Year 2 I’ve never been a tutor, but I know Suzanne’s insights have rung true for so many. If it’s your first year tutoring or even more, read this post and as Suzanne says, learn from her mistakes.
The Freeing Thing About the Grammar Stage There are many gems to be found on Brandy’s Half-a-Hundred Acre Wood site, but this may be my favorite. Read it and breathe a sigh of relief.
Please notice I’m not offering you book lists or curriculum add-ons here. That’s because I don’t believe you need it. If you’re new to classical education, I think the first and best thing you can do is to dive into understanding classical education first as the parent. Then proceed from there.
Any essential CC reading you’ve spotted in the blogosphere? Please share it here! I’d love to read it and share it.
I’ve enjoyed your website! Love your no-fold laundry approach! Brilliant! I noticed a slight subject-verb agreement error worth noting…it should read “What are classical conversations” instead of “is”.
Keep sharing! Your material is excellent.
Unless “Classical Conversations” is a program (-;
Thanks 😉 Yup, it is.