History – Complete the History Sentence Picture Page for this week. Check out World War 1 books from the library for independent exploration.
English – We’re going to “dress up” a simple sentence with adverbs through one adverb question at a time. I haven’t tried this all the way through yet, so we may need more than one sentence. 🙂 I’m thinking we’ll start with something basic, like “We went biking.”
Latin – These story prompts are really helping us, so we’re going to focus on reviewing with them for now.
Science – Read our CC Acts and Facts Science cards together and review the science sentence.
Math – Check out our rulers to see the first two linear equivalents. Review the memory work through song. And perhaps send the littles on a hunt around the house to find items measuring 2.54 centimeters/1 inch.
Geography – Practice finding our memory work locations on the map.
Fine Arts – Check out books on the artists we’re studying from the library for independent exploration.
We have a little shelf in our schoolroom I like to keep full of seasonal and educational books. Throughout the day, my littles will pull books from there to flip through or read. It’s a great way for them to learn new things on their own time and I love seeing which books draw their attention again and again.
A while ago, I saw (and we looked at) a number of books about weapons . . . tanks, planes, submarines and when they were used. I am going to try to find these books at the library again now that we will be talking about World War I and World War II. . . so much of the “trench warfare” was made obsolete with the use of planes, but also led to a lot of advancements in tanks and so on. I thought your boys might enjoy looking at books like that through the world war studies as well. 🙂