Friends, please welcome Kirsten Gregoire to the blog today! Kirsten has been a friend for many years, before any of our children entered the scene, and I’ve been happy to be a step behind her for each part of the journey because it has allowed me to learn so much from her! Kirsten was the first of my friends to talk homeschooling (I thought she was nuts at the time!) and I’m grateful to say God used her to first place that thought in my heart. Please enjoy what she shares today!
Those homeschool blogs that you read? The ones where everyone’s kids sit so nicely and color within the lines with their perfect little pigtails and pretty gingham dresses in their Pinterest-inspired schoolrooms?? Well, that’s not me. Not for a lack of trying I’ll have you know. It’s just that at the end of the day, I’m too tired to actually pull it off. 🙂
Hi! My name is Kirsten Gregoire, and together, my husband of 13 years and I have (soon-to-be) 5 beautiful children – ages 10, 8, 6, 4, and one on their way from Ethiopia!!. As a family, we love traveling, LONG car trips, dancing and singing in our kitchen, sports (well me, not so much!), and having fun together as a family! This is our fourth year of Classical Conversations and my 3rd year as a Foundations and Essentials Director.
Daily Schedule
Kaya (10)
Joseph (8)
Jackson (6)
Sophia (4)
8:00 am
8:30 am
9:00 am
Memory Work
Memory Work
Memory Work
Memory Work
9:30 am
Independent Work
1 -Independent Work
2 – Work with Mommy
Work with mommy
Preschool Activity
12:00 am
12:30 pm
1:00 pm
Nature study and/or Fine Arts Study
Nature study and/or Fine Arts Study
Nature study and/or Fine Arts Study
Nature study and/or Fine Arts Study
Read Aloud by Mom
Read Aloud by Mom
Read Aloud by Mom
Read Aloud by Mom
2:30 pm
Book & Nook (Quiet Reading)
Book & Nook (Quiet Reading)
Book & Nook (Quiet Reading)
Book & Nook (Quiet Reading)
Essentials Work with Mom
Quiet Activity
Quiet Activity
Quiet Activity
Evening Chores
Evening Chores
Evening Chores
Evening Chores
Reading in bed
Reading in bed
**extra time in slots could result in educational games on computer, reading, or free time etc
Homeschooling (and really parenting in general!!) is crazy hard, and no two days ever look the same. More than sharing our day with you though, my heart longs to encourage you on this arduous journey. As with most things, schedules look great on paper, but rarely do they ever really pan out like they are intended to. Naturally mine isn’t any different. But you know what?? THIS is where He has chosen to meet me (and you!!). In the craziness that comes with piles of dishes, laundry baskets that are spilling over, mounds of schoolwork, and sticky, messy kids. And through it all……the tears, the giggles, the frustration, and the doubts…..I hear His faint voice whispering, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in your weakness.” In the hard times, it is not my schedule that will save me. I must cling to what I know is truth. I must believe that “in his heart a man plans his course, but {it is} the LORD {that} determines his steps.”
Yes, schedules are nice and IMPORTANT, but in the end, the Lord must be the cornerstone. He MUST be the foundation. HE must build the church (or our family, or our homeschool, etc…), because if not, my human plans WILL fail. That schedule you just read WILL crumble, and I will merely be doing it in my own strength. And quite frankly, I’ve done that before and it’s exhausting. So, as God has gently reminded me over the years….I can make my plans, but in the end, the fate of my children does not depend on if I’ve used the right curriculum, penciled in enough service projects or crammed enough scripture verses into their little heads. These are ALL good things, even NECESSARY things, but NOT the final determining factor in whether or not we will produce children who follow Him. It’s so easy to fall into the trap of placing our trust in methods, instead of trusting in God, isn’t it? Feels somewhat safer, tamer maybe. And I am guilty as charged. Even today as I write this, I find myself succumbing to feelings of all I need to DO….all I need to become, instead of merely resting in Him and what has already been done for me and my family.
The most important impact I will ever have as a mother will be my prayers for my children. It will be MY relationship with the Lord. It will be how I model Christ’s love to them. It will be the everyday praise that bubbles up out of me as a natural overflow of my love for Him. It is too easy friends to compare ourselves to others….to catch a small glimpse into someone else’s life via Facebook, Pinterest, and blogs….and to think that somehow our own lives would be better if we could just tweak our schedules a bit, change our curriculum, or control the behavior of our kids.
So fellow homeschooling mamas I implore you – make a plan (but detour from it a bit every once in awhile), kiss those babies, go for a walk when tensions start to rise, get on your knees and PRAY for your children, but most importantly, hold your plans loosely and give them over to the One who “knows the plans He has for you.” Schedules are great, but just like the Law, they are there to guide us towards grace. Isn’t that what the Christmas season is all about?
Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciated your schedule (I have 4 too) and admitting that it doesn’t always happen. Thanks!
i’m glad it was helpful, hailey!
I am so blessed by your post. I read it when I need encouragement. Thank you
stacy, that’s great! i’m so glad. 🙂 i forwarded on your appreciation to kirsten!