You might remember my post, Blog Love, from a few months back that contained a short list of my favorite CC blogs. Those bloggers have been providing great resources for CC families for (at least) a few years now. Well, today, I offer you two more for the short list – this time containing new CC blogs that have popped up this year! These bloggers are offering some seriously good ideas – both original and inspired by versions. Not to mention links to great resources they’ve found and resources they’ve created on their own!
I hope you’ll check them out & begin some new blog crushes of your own!
1) And Here We Go! – First time CC mom, Melody, offers many creative ideas to use with your preschool age scholars! Plus she’s done so many imaginative things with the standard issue CC materials (foundations guide, timeline cards, etc) that are just the coolest!
2) CCing It One Day At A Time – Crecia, another first time CC mom, writes ideas to inspire homeschool parents and also creates a lot of printable resources to share with the community – for free! How great is that? Thanks, Crecia!
Awwww, shucks! Thanks bunches, Beth! 🙂
haha! you already knew i love you(r blog) & now the world does too! ; )
You have such great resources Beth – thanks for doing so much work for others to share!! One thing though – the brainpop movies I can’t see – do you have to pay to see them??
Thanks, Sarah! Some of BrainPop’s resources you do need to pay for, but this video shouldn’t be one of them. I haven’t subscribed to anything on their site & I’m able to view the video. Do you have flash player? Perhaps it needs to be updated. If you’re looking to watch it on your iPad, it won’t work because iPads don’t allow flash players. I’m kinda outside of my element here, but does that make sense?
Oops – I’m guessing you were referring to the video I recently linked to on my Election resources. Anyway, all of the videos I post should be free to access.