Batch Baking
Okay, so this might not technically be considered school preparation, but, for me, it’s on the list! Not being a morning person myself, it is always an effort to get the whole family out the door on time for our CC days. But, it’s so important to me for us to be on time & ready to learn (i.e. bellies full of nutritious goodness!) So, I’m batch baking & cooking as often as I can with the intent of having enough breakfast ready to heat and eat for the first 12 weeks of CC. How about you? Do you do any advance work to make your mornings run smoothly?
Edited to include the recipes I’m using!:
zucchini muffins (pictured above – w/ choc chips instead of walnuts)
What all are you making? You should post ideas/recipes. Any time I think about batch baking, making meals ahead, etc, I really don’t come up with enough ideas. I have to think through a lot of advanced prep for myself. One thing I’m working on this summer is teaching my kids how to get their own breakfast (cereal or toast so far).
Great idea! I’ve edited the post to include the recipes I’m using now. I hope they help!