Art – Drawing Stories
My children love to draw, color, paint, etc, but don’t always follow along or cooperate with the art direction given on CC community days. For that reason (& because it’s fun!), I’ve started reinforcing it at home. This week, I drew a 4 box grid on card stock & asked each of my 2 older boys to draw their own story. I asked them to create original characters, because I really wanted them to open their minds to the possibilities. I encouraged them to plan their story in 4 parts in their heads before drawing. I think that helped! I also drew my own example using an activity we completed earlier in the day (baking element cookies!).
Pictured above is the story drawing my oldest son completed. It’s a cheetah chasing an antelope & then the same cheetah encountering a rhinoceros. But, I didn’t need to tell you that, right?
Kyle, my oldest son, used his story drawing as the jumping off point for his journal that day. What about you? Do you do art at home?
Well, your two posts were inspiring on an otherwise uneventful afternoon. After doing the foot activities, Elijah and Ruthie each made their own comics which are hanging around my house.