Search Results for: At Home with the Classical Method

Traveling the 50 States with the Flat Littles: Arkansas and Tennessee

These pictures are extra special to my heart, because they're from my sweet pastor's family. My pastor and his eldest daughter left early-early in the morning for a short trip and were so thoughtful to bring the Flat Littles along for the trip. Here are some snapshots they grabbed on their journey. The one above is in front of crop fields in … [Read more...]

Cycle 3: Week 3

Guess what? Life has gotten very busy - we're moving! I'm so glad I made a plan for simplicity for homeschooling this year.   This week we've been reviewing our history sentence by reading one of the books from our book list, the Boston Tea Party by Pamela Duncan Edwards. It's a cute book with good drawings that traces the chain of events … [Read more...]

A Day in the Life – Strite Family

You know what's funny about this A Day in the Life post? I don't technically know the Strite family, as we've only met recently through e-mail. A mutual friend, who is college friends with Lisa, introduced us knowing that we'd share the CC connection and that Lisa might be interested in sharing her family's "day in the life" here. Well, I'm so glad … [Read more...]

Cycle 3: Week 1

Each week, I'll post a fun idea or two related to the CC Cycle 3 memory work. In the past, I posted an idea for each subject, each week. But, it was a bit of overkill - at least for us and the time we have. I'm keeping it simpler this year.  If you're keeping it classical, remember, the first goal is to memorize the memory work for each subject. … [Read more...]

Don’t Work Too Hard at Intentional Integration

Book lists, lesson plans, and projects are all great to have on file ready for when you or your littles want to dive into a specific topic you've been learning about through the memory work.  But, one of the great things about classical education, is that you don't have to spend time intentionally creating or drafting plans around a subject. … [Read more...]

Our Plan for Summer Learning

We won't really be finished our regular school work (well, only math really) until the end of May.  Mainly due to my limitations, we needed to slow it down a few times this year for math instruction, so we'll be going a little longer than originally planned.  While we wrap that up, I've been excitedly pulling together plans for our summer … [Read more...]

5 Fun Ways to Practice Math

Math seems to require the most concentration for my littles.  Even with the struggle (or because of it), this is good exercise for their brain.  But, you know training and exercise is hard work.  Sometimes you just want to have fun without realizing you're "working out." For these moments, here are some fun ways we've … [Read more...]

Cycle Two: Week Twenty-Two

Image SourceHistory - We're going to review the same way we did for week 21.  If you aren't on CC Connected to find the history sentence cards, a blank illustration sheet and internet images (or history books) for inspiration would work just as well. English - Use the acronym FANBOYS to remember the list of coordinating … [Read more...]

Cycle Two – Week Thirteen

History - Draw about the industrial revolution using the History Sentence Picture Pages while reviewing the history sentence. Show the boys the steam engine section in The Way Things Work.English - Make flashcards using 5x7 cards.  On the lined side, write the indefinite pronouns.  On the blank side, draw a picture to represent the … [Read more...]

A Day in the Life – Gregoires

Friends, please welcome Kirsten Gregoire to the blog today! Kirsten has been a friend for many years, before any of our children entered the scene, and I've been happy to be a step behind her for each part of the journey because it has allowed me to learn so much from her! Kirsten was the first of my friends to talk homeschooling (I thought she was … [Read more...]