Luke 2:11 "For unto you is born this day, in the city of David, a Savior, who is Christ the Lord." Praising God the Father for the gift of His son, our Savior, Jesus Christ, today and every day. Merry Christmas! … [Read more...]

Designing a home-centered life: learning, exploring, and creating with our five littles
Luke 2:11 "For unto you is born this day, in the city of David, a Savior, who is Christ the Lord." Praising God the Father for the gift of His son, our Savior, Jesus Christ, today and every day. Merry Christmas! … [Read more...]
At our CC campus today, we dissected owl pellets. Have y'all done this already? We found it very cool and also pretty gross. My boy and his dissecting partner were very excited to find a skull of {we think} a small bird. Plus 14 other small bones!At home, my biggest little happened to be reading The Imagination Station … [Read more...]
Anyone else use a chalkboard in their school space? Anyone else's look like this? The chalk buildup was out of control on mine, making it harder for my little scholars to read the chalkboard. Then, I remembered a random pointer I had read somewhere quite a while back (I believe before Pinterest - gasp!). To use soda to clean your … [Read more...]
Fresh from one last bath before losing power, the littles are super excited to camp out in the basement during Hurricane Sandy. Me prepping sewing projects by lantern light during our loss of power. Group teaching on the chalkboard has been more of a regular occurrence this year resulting in only little nubs of chalk remaining in my … [Read more...]
After spending our morning with our CC community, we stopped at the local library for a bit. The littles enjoyed some computer time and each picked plenty of books. We came home with quite a good stack! Another CC mom organized a trip for our group to a local family-owned dairy farm. We visited last year and had so much fun, … [Read more...]
Today's weather was a mix of clouds and sun, but that didn't stop us from enjoying a woodland scavenger hunt with friends at a local park. I taped these woodland scavenger hunt cards to paper sacks and my little explorers were off and running. Sometimes in search of the items on their cards and other times, whacking trees with sticks … [Read more...]
These pics are from yesterday and today. We've had two rainy days in a row, but there's no sign of that grayness in here (except perhaps that mommy has wanted to nap both days!). Here's my crew exploring instruments in our living room. If only you could've heard the "music" coming from this room. Pretty sure my neighbors … [Read more...]
I'm more of a Martha then a Mary myself, so it's all too easy for me to get lost in the lists or to-dos of the day. I've been inspired over the last few months to pause and take in "the view from here." and not just take it in, but enjoy it too. Allow myself and my family to be blessed by God's presence. Often, I capture these regular moments … [Read more...]