How We Study Nature

One of our favorite ways to study science is through nature study. We spend time in the great outdoors and record things in our creation journal.  Our creation journal is essentially the same thing as a nature journal.  We call it a creation journal simply to remind us that we're studying nature to learn more about our … [Read more...]

At Home with The Classical Method – Teaching Science

"Understanding the classical sciences allows each of us to appreciate the beauty and harmony of the cosmos while equipping us to participate in the investigative process." (p.179)I believe that understanding the sciences is important to all students, but is especially beneficial to the believer.  We know the creator of the extraordinary … [Read more...]

At Home with The Classical Method – Teaching History

"Classical educators want children to memorize a lengthy world history time line over an extended period of time that stays with them forever." (p.165) Are you seeing a pattern here among classical learning? It's so important to lay a strong foundation for our little scholars to build upon.  With a basic timeline memorized, our children can … [Read more...]

Classical Conversations Math Flashcards Review

Classical Conversations recently sent me the new math facts flashcards to review.  Before now, all of our math flashcards were either bought second-hand or homemade.  I hadn't considered there could be variety among math flashcards.   But, there is!  2 things that make the Classical Conversations math flashcards unique:1. … [Read more...]

Prescripts Review and Giveaway

UPDATE: Congrats to Devin Berna, the winner of the giveaway!  Devin has been contacted and I'll be sending along the set of four prescripts books.  Thanks to everyone for entering! Have you seen the Prescripts series of books created by Classical Conversations yet?  They are essentially a series of four spiral bound books … [Read more...]

At Home with the Classical Method — How to Teach (& Learn) Geography

Oh boy, is this a weak area of mine. I've often felt lost in my own county (okay, even the mall), because I am lacking a mental map.  My husband on the other hand loves maps and is great at geography.  He easily forms mental maps of new areas.  Think those characteristics are connected? Yeah, me too.  Like my husband, we want our littles to … [Read more...]

At Home with The Classical Method – How to Teach Your Child Math

"The classical model for math emphasizes memorizing facts for speed and accuracy, and discussing numeracy, operations, and laws for understanding." (p.131, The Core) I can remember reciting addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division tables with my class from simple wall charts in my elementary school growing up. My teachers shared … [Read more...]

At Home with The Classical Method – Teaching Your Child to Write

When I first started teaching my children to write, I think I truly forgot that "Writing is very hard to do well."  I found myself so removed from learning it myself that its challenge was forgotten.  While it is hard to do well, The Core provides a simple plan to teach it well. Continuing today with the At Home with The … [Read more...]

How I Teach Music and Art Appreciation to My Children

I hear from a lot of people that teaching art and music appreciation intimidates them.  I try to explain that it really is not a big deal, because if you could see how I personally go about doing that in our home I am positive you would boldly say that it wasn't as difficult as it sounded, and you could do that too!  Really!  I just … [Read more...]

At Home with the Classical Method – Why Classical Education?

I'm making some progress in understanding classical education and supplanting the modes of traditional education in my mind.  I can tell, because I'm *starting* to be able to converse with others about classical education without looking at my notes. : ) Good, right?  I'm also beginning to form ideas of what this will look like for our family over … [Read more...]