Getting Started with Audiobooks

  Have you tried listening to audiobooks with your family? When I first considered audiobooks, I wasn't sure if my littles would be interested or when we'd find the time to listen to them. My concerns were wasted! They're such a part of our family routine now that I can't imagine us without them. I'll share 3 tips for success with … [Read more...]

Why We’re Collecting Pockets Full of Rocks

As a mom of five exploring types, I'm often being asked to carry my littles' collected rocks in my pockets. We've had days at the park where my pockets were full of rocks. Sometimes they'd forget about the rocks and I'd drop them back to the ground. Other times, the rocks would make it all the way home with us. In more recent years, I've started to … [Read more...]

10 Books to Read (from CC Founder Leigh Bortins!)

  Have you ever been in a conversation with someone who name drops? Well, Leigh Bortins is kinda like that, but with books. In a totally innocuous kind of way, of course. This year I totally lucked out with Leigh Bortins as the featured speaker at the practicum I attended. Throughout her talks, Leigh shared with us books she has read, … [Read more...]

The Easiest Way to Clean Baseball Caps

I recently posted the above photo on Instagram and got a few questions about how it works, so I thought I would share it here with y'all. But before writing this post I did a quick google search to see if this solution is already out there. I didn't see it. What I did see were a bunch of solutions that require either too much effort or aren't … [Read more...]

Our Family's Favorite Audiobooks

Our family listens to a lot of audiobooks for 2 main reasons: 1. My littles love them and 2. They learn so much. I couldn't even begin to count the times my littles have quoted a line, asked a question, or made a connection based on a story they've heard. We borrow from the library or buy favorites. When we buy, we usually get the CDs, burn them … [Read more...]

Linky Love 2

  This concept makes me smile. I hope the documentary will be as good as I imagine it to be.   Is safety dangerous? How can we challenge young minds in the age of political correctness?   Add this to the list of things I didn't give much thought to until becoming a parent. Now every summer I review the signs.   These boys … [Read more...]

Why I Stopped Folding Laundry

  I am all about efficiency around the home. I like things done well, but quickly. I joke with my Six Sigma trained husband that I'm the real Six Sigma expert around here. (Maybe you're asking, "What is Six Sigma?" Definition by Wikipedia: a set of techniques and tools for process improvement. My husband uses it in business.) I'm totally not. … [Read more...]

One Little Change I'm Making to Enjoy My Children While They're Little

  As a mom who homeschools, I have five littles who I teach and feed and clothe and clean and discipline and direct and wrangle and snuggle (etc etc etc!) with me most of every day. But sometimes I forget to simply enjoy my children during that time. The practical responsibilities of home, school and family can overwhelm me. But, I have found … [Read more...]

How To Study Science Without Really Trying

  Because I have a love of books and a desire for my children to learn, I've made a habit of purchasing the best reference books I can find and placing them around our home. As a result, I've stumbled upon how to study science without really trying. At least one or two of these great books are opened by my littles daily without any prompting … [Read more...]

What is Classical Conversations?

  If you're considering or are new to CC, I know from experience it can be a confusing time. So, I'm sharing some posts I think will offer helpful information and make it easier for you to find the answers to, "What is Classical Conversations?".   Considering Classical Conversations? Start Here! This post explains the programs of CC, … [Read more...]