7 Ways A Classical Education Works With A Christian Worldview

Classical Conversations is a classical, Christian education.  Some might see those words placed together and not see the connection.  In fact, some might go as far as to say they don't connect.  It probably won't surprise you to hear me say, well, they do go together!  Actually, I'm a firm believer that classical + Christian are … [Read more...]

Remembering What It's Like to Learn Something New

Y'all, please welcome back my friend, Becki Hogan.  Becki and her husband blog at Running with Team Hogan.  Through learning about a new subject, Becki was able to learn more about classical education.  I can relate! When you understand classical education, you see learning -on any subject- through a new lens.  Read to … [Read more...]

How We Do Nature Study Indoors

Everyone in my home loves nature study.  When it's warm and beautiful or even warm and rainy, we head outside to make observations, take photographs, and draw.  But, with the combination of my pregnancy sickness and our seemingly never-ending Northeast winter, we've been inside a lot for nature studies lately.  Here's how we've … [Read more...]

Cycle Two: Week Twenty-Four

History: Color picture of Nelson Mandela while reciting history sentence.  (Plenty of activity sheets available, too.)English: I plan to dramatically recite sentences with interjections to see if my littles can pick out the interjections.  For example, "Duck! There's a low branch!" Once they get the hang of it, they'll probably like … [Read more...]

Cycle Two: Week Twenty-Three

History: March like soldiers around our home while reciting the history sentence.  Perhaps we'll assign two different rooms to be the United States and Kuwait.  English: We're going to write a noun in the center of our chalkboard and add modifiers answering the adjective questions.  For example, brothers could be our noun in the … [Read more...]

How Our Campus Created a Fun, Family Review Night

Sweet friends from my CC campus arranged the most fun mid-cycle family review night.  It had to be rescheduled once due to weather, but we were still able to get it in basically midway through the year.  Sorry, I'm sharing it a little late here.  But, it could be a fun end of year night too!  I was so impressed by what … [Read more...]

A Time of Revolution

Do you see the spirit of revolution stirring in your home, among your family? Do you consider yourself part of that movement? See how Classical Conversations Writers Circle blogger, David Bailey, makes the connection between revolution and teaching our children.The deck is being shuffled in the Middle East. Only time will tell if the changes … [Read more...]

Cycle Two: Week Twenty-Two

Image SourceHistory - We're going to review the same way we did for week 21.  If you aren't on CC Connected to find the history sentence cards, a blank illustration sheet and internet images (or history books) for inspiration would work just as well. English - Use the acronym FANBOYS to remember the list of coordinating … [Read more...]

Travel: Carlsbad Caverns National Park, New Mexico

After spending the day in San Antonio, Texas, we headed to Carlsbad Caverns National Park in New Mexico staying over in Fort Stockton, Texas, on the way.  We arrived just outside the entrance to the national park around lunch time, so we looked for somewhere to pick up lunch.  Let me tell you, that was no easy task.  Or actually, … [Read more...]

The Best Girls to Ask for Book Recommendations

Do you have any friends you wish would create their own lending library? Friends whose libraries you would frequent even more than your local library, because you trust their selections to be wonderful every time? I have a few friends like that who I rely on and I thought you might like to see what they're reading, too. Christy at Without Love … [Read more...]