Pottery Barn Knockoff – DIY Valentine’s Day Chairbacker

I saw  Valentine's Day Envelope Chairbackers similar to these years ago in a Pottery Barn catalog. Adorable, but more money than I could spend for them. I figured out a DIY which was so fun and easy to do. My littles have loved them now for more than a few years, so I'm super glad I made the effort. Even though they are white, they've held up just … [Read more...]

Our Family’s {Easy} Valentine’s Day Traditions

Over the years, I've stumbled on a few ideas which my children have loved that are now our family traditions leading up to Valentine's Day. They are simple, meaningful, and easy to execute, which is why we enjoy returning to them every year. 1. DIY card making station: At the beginning of February, I fill a simple wooden box with paper and … [Read more...]