Week Five – Perspective Art

For today's review of fine arts, we worked on perspective this way.  First, I drew and colored a basic scenery sketch based on this post.  Next, I modified the idea from the post slightly, by having my road veer off to the left and by using one car, instead of two trees.  Mainly, because I have a home full of car loving littles. … [Read more...]

The View from Here – The Highlights

After spending our morning with our CC community, we stopped at the local library for a bit.  The littles enjoyed some computer time and each picked plenty of books.  We came home with quite a good stack!  Another CC mom organized a trip for our group to a local family-owned dairy farm.  We visited last year and had so much fun, … [Read more...]

Week Five – Prepositions

For reviewing prepositions this week, I narrated a story in one sentence using our week 5 prepositions and asked my older guys to draw a new part to their picture with each part of the story.  First though, I asked my guys to pick an animal they wanted to draw.  My oldest, who really loves to draw, picked a squid. He also really loves … [Read more...]

Field Trip – Ellis Island

Okay, so we're one cycle late on this field trip to Ellis Island.  It was on our short list of places nearby to visit over the summer, but we never quite made it.  We kept pushing it back, but still wanted to make it there before it became too cold. So, this past Friday, my husband took the day off and we made a day trip out of it. … [Read more...]

Take A Look Tour – Our School Room

I love peeks into other families' school rooms!  Whenever I'm in a friend's home, I want to snoop around their school room to see what tricks they use to organize and how their set-up works for their family of scholars. So, today, I'm giving you a peek into our school room! Giving up our formal dining room, so we could have a dedicated … [Read more...]

Woodland Scavenger Hunt

Today's weather was a mix of clouds and sun, but that didn't stop us from enjoying a woodland scavenger hunt with friends at a local park.  I taped these woodland scavenger hunt cards to paper sacks and my little explorers were off and running.  Sometimes in search of the items on their cards and other times, whacking trees with sticks … [Read more...]

Week Four – Abstract Art

Today we had time for some abstract art that we didn't fit in last week.  This is not a new or original idea, but it is a fun one!  We put a piece of card stock in a dish with sides, rolled a marble in paint (as seen above), and proceeded to rock the dish around in our hands.  This sent the marble rolling around the dish and over the … [Read more...]

What We're Doing – Week Five Links

Our campus has this week off due to our facility's schedule.  At home, we'll be focusing on our other curriculum, reviewing all memory work, and perhaps doing a few projects we didn't get around to yet.  But, I know many of you are probably meeting as usual, so I wanted to share my week 5 links anyhow.  History   … [Read more...]

Enter to Win – $50 CC Gift Certificate

For those of you who aren't following Classical Conversations at Home on FB, I'd hate for you to miss out on the news I'm sharing today!  Go here to enter Homeschool Curriculum's contest to win a $50 gift certificate to Classical Conversations. Mia has posted a simple question for you to answer - remember think resource, not fantasy! … [Read more...]

Week Four – Plant Cell

In our reading today, we learned that a plant cell's membrane is semi-permeable.  So, we did a quick science experiment to demonstrate the definition of semi-permeable.  My oldest son held a paper towel between two hands while I ran the faucet in our kitchen sink and another son looked to see if the water would pass through the paper … [Read more...]