History - I love coupling the history sentence cards from And Here We Go with either the history sentence picture page from Homeschooling with a Classical Twist or the blank illustration page from Half-a-Hundred Acre Wood. My littles love the pictures from the sentence cards and the pictures inspire their drawings. Plus the cards … [Read more...]
Five Great Reasons to Study Latin
Image SourceI know I was asking, "Why Latin?" when we first started with classical education. If you've been searching for answers to the same question, I hope you'll read this article by Kathy Sheppard from the Classical Conversations Writers Circle. Kathy sums it up perfectly! We all know that the study of Latin helps students … [Read more...]
Keeping Up With Your Independent Reader
Homeschooling parents often find themselves in the tricky dilemma of encouraging their little scholars to independent reading, but having little of their own time to keep up with their growing little's reading. This leaves them in the uncomfortable position of not being fully clued in to what their child is reading. A parent has two main goals in … [Read more...]
Cycle Two – Week Twenty
Image CaptionHistory - Well, my original idea of visiting the Vietnam Veterans War Memorial during this week will most likely need to be put on hold. While our visit will be put on hold, maybe you can go? If you do, be sure to check out the National Mall Junior Ranger Booklet for your littles to complete. Not going? Most of the … [Read more...]
A Beginning Glossary of Terms for Classical Education
Before homeschooling my children, my educational experience was limited to how I was taught, which I would generally characterize as traditional. I grew up attending a private, Christian school and later graduated from a Bible university with degrees in Social Work and Bible. I had no experience and very little information regarding … [Read more...]
The Accidental Lessons I Teach Them While Trying To Teach Them
I just got mad at my boys for interrupting while I was trying to teach another of my littles something. Their interruption was a distraction to everyone and frustrating to me. I was up against nap time and really wanted to finish quickly. Several minutes later and two of my littles are reading. Well, one was reading and the … [Read more...]
2 Ways We Spend Quality One-on-One Time With Our Littles
You'd think with all the time I'm spending at home with my littles, it wouldn't be hard to find quality one-on-one time with each of them. But, it is! The group dynamic of family shows them in a different light then them alone. The quiet one isn't as easily heard, the oldest too often needs to be the mature, responsible … [Read more...]
Cycle Two – Week Nineteen
Image CreditHistory - I was originally hoping we'd visit the above pictured Korean War Memorial in D.C. Not sure we'll be able to pull that off right now, but I did learn there are other options, even closer to home. There is a Korean War Memorial in Philadelphia and one in New Jersey. Who knew? Not me!English - The CC app … [Read more...]
Travel: San Antonio, Texas
The first stop on our recent three week trip (besides In-N-Out Burger!) was San Antonio, Texas. We knew we wanted to visit The Alamo, so we started our day by viewing the movie The Alamo - The Price of Freedom at the Alamo IMAX at the Rivercenter. It's a forty-two minute docudrama recreating this important battle in Texas' … [Read more...]
DIY Skip Counting Boards
A few months back a friend posted a picture of skip counting boards handmade by her husband. I had never seen anything like them! I thought they looked so cool & started asking for details. My friend and her husband based their design off these online tutorials (1 and 2). They made two versions: one with wooden pegs … [Read more...]