The lessons, the calendar, the schedule was making us all a bit weary. I could feel we needed a slow-down, but instead I wanted to hurry ahead to finish. I’m like that. It can feel productive, but it’s often quite the opposite. And besides productive? Producing what exactly? Harried children and a frazzled mother? No good. And that’s when I remembered we homeschool and we do it because it’s so much more about home than school for us. So, I decided today I’m choosing more home, less school.
Today —
I’m not going to rush through parenting a character problem because we’re in the middle of math.
I’m going to say yes when my preschooler asks to read a board book when we “should” be doing assigned reading first.
I’m going to sing a song while I rock my baby for nap and not rush to have baby free time to work on school with my oldest.
I’m going to give my guy alone time when he needs it and adjust the schedule so he doesn’t miss his favorite read-aloud.
I’m going to make time for healthy snacks because nourishing their bodies is important ground work for nourishing their hearts and their minds.
I’m going to remember that God called us home because He loves us and His love lessons are the most important ones we’ll learn all day. And that begins with me.
What do you need to change today to make your homeschool feel more like home? Will you do it?
Last week we had TWO days that went to a fieldtrip. I was about to have a melt down. I felt so far behind. I said “I will never do two a week again” to my husband. He said “I think that it is just as important for our children to have life experiences as it is school time. Don’t get me wrong. They know a lot of “stuff” and that means you spend a lot of time with them. But, it is important to me to see the kids enjoying this time! You are not behind hun… you are right where you are suppose to be… WOW! My husbands perspective really put me at ease. When today rolled around I stopped thinking about my CHECK LIST and just took it step by step. I have homeschooled since 1992 and it is an ever evolving journey. God gives us husbands to help guide us when we lose focus.
Dawn, you’re absolutely right & I can completely relate. I can feel the same squish. I think sometimes it’s like we’re too close and our husbands have the advantage of a wider perspective. I’m glad for you & me that we have husbands with those great views and wisdom with their words. 🙂 Praise the Lord!
Oh, I absolutely love this:). Thank you!
Thank you, sweet friend. 🙂
thank you for this— good word
Candra, thank you! I’m glad I’m not alone in needing this reminder. 🙂
I needed this today. Our Mondays and Tuesdays tend to be very crazy busy. I had a schedule for us this year that was working like a charm as far as getting everything done…. but it eventually did not leave us peaceful. Today we are slowing down, reading books, starting later. God has shown Himself faithful these past two weeks, and it is time I stop and savor His grace! Thank you!
Christina, what a difference between accomplishment and peace, right? Thank you for sharing. I hope you had a peaceful day of slowing down.