Today I’m Choosing More Home, Less School

  The lessons, the calendar, the schedule was making us all a bit weary. I could feel we needed a slow-down, but instead I wanted to hurry ahead to finish. I'm like that. It can feel productive, but it's often quite the opposite. And besides productive? Producing what exactly? Harried children and a frazzled mother? No good. And that's when … [Read more...]

What’s in a Blog (re) Name?

    As you know, the blog is now Pockets Full of Rocks (and no longer Classical Conversations at Home). I'm very excited about this. You can read here to see what the new name is all about! But, before I tell you what's different, let me tell you what's stayed the same. We are still happily homeschoolers. And we still love and … [Read more...]

The Accidental Lessons I Teach Them While Trying To Teach Them

I just got mad at my boys for interrupting while I was trying to teach another of my littles something.  Their interruption was a distraction to everyone and frustrating to me.  I was up against nap time and really wanted to finish quickly.  Several minutes later and two of my littles are reading.  Well, one was reading and the … [Read more...]