Did you know September 13, 2014, marks the 200 year anniversary of the writing of The Star Spangled Banner by Francis Scott Key? I didn't! Until the mother/son team over at Classical Composers Monthly sent me the link to the free resource they're offering all about our national anthem. Follow the link to find a curated collection of short videos, … [Read more...]

Classical Composers Monthly Giveaway – Winner Announced!
This giveaway is now closed! Comment #7, Superblessedmommy aka Becki Hogan, you are the winner! I'm excited for you to check this out, Becki, as we continue in orchestra studies with CC. Erica of Classical Composers Monthly will contact you with more information. If you're just now seeing this, be sure to check out my review … [Read more...]

Classical Composers Monthly Review & Giveaway
Melody of And Here We Go recently shared about a classical music resource service called Classical Composers Monthly. Well, I checked it out! And it's great! Please allow me to tell you about it...Essentially a (CC!) homeschool mom, Erica Johns, and her son have searched, reviewed, and compiled the best online resources … [Read more...]