Create A Lifestyle of Learning With Books

Friends, please welcome my friend and fellow CC mom, Becki Hogan, back to the blog today.  Becki is an avid reader and enthusiastic learner.  In their home, Becki and her husband Seth have created a lifestyle of learning that I find infectious! Want to know more? Start here with how they use books in promotion of that lifestyle. We love … [Read more...]

Don’t Work Too Hard at Intentional Integration

Book lists, lesson plans, and projects are all great to have on file ready for when you or your littles want to dive into a specific topic you've been learning about through the memory work.  But, one of the great things about classical education, is that you don't have to spend time intentionally creating or drafting plans around a subject. … [Read more...]

Song School Latin Review & Giveaway

UPDATE: Congrats to winner, Melinda Walters! Thanks to everyone for entering!  I had a hard time learning foreign languages as a young student. However, I'm excited to learn Latin alongside my littles!  Following the classical way, we're learning Latin, because it is a root language. This should make learning additional languages later, like … [Read more...]

Simple Formula & Printable for Foundation Presentations

Admittedly presentation prep is the oft forgotten task of our homeschool week.  This past year it too frequently came down to Sunday afternoon, which worked okay, but I was often left thinking we could've done more or they would've been more prepared if we started earlier in the week prior.  (Our campus meets on Monday.)  There … [Read more...]

Why Our Choice to Homeschool Has Nothing to Do with Public Schools

So, occasionally, I slip into reading a popular blog post that continues the debate about whether or not Christians should homeschool their children or send them to public school.  I genuinely come in looking for a compelling argument, but rarely find one.  I love God, I love people, I care about my community.  My social worker … [Read more...]

My Summer Reading List

You've seen my summer plan for my littles, now here's the summer plan for me!  Between planning our CC year and having a new baby, I'm hoping to squeeze in some reading.  In no certain order, the books on my shortlist right now are...1. Carry On, Mr. Bowditch by Jean Lee Latham  This classic historical tale of Nat Bowditch occurring … [Read more...]

Planning Our CC Year

Guys, I'm a firm believer in the the classical model of education and believe it will only work for us, if we work the model.  As a result, at home we approach our memory work in three basic ways: review games, classical notebooks, and reading.  So, as I'm planning for this next year, I'm1. Selecting a rotation of review games. … [Read more...]

Exploring Your Foundations Guide

New to Classical Conversations Foundations? Looking to figure out the organization of it all? Start simply. Start by exploring your Foundations guide front to back.  If you have yet to do this, you'll probably be surprised with all it has to offer.  When I first received my guide three years ago, I thought it simply contained the … [Read more...]

Does Classical Education Work for Children With Special Needs?

Y'all, special treat, my big sis is here to share what she's learned on how a classical Christian education, specifically CC, works for children with special needs. Try not to be distracted by the pictures of my impossibly cute nephews and niece (I will!) and hear what she has to say, because there is some valuable stuff in here for all … [Read more...]