Been picking up tidbits from around the internet that I thought you’d be interested in too. Consider it weekend reading and be sure to leave me your thoughts in the comments. It’s dialectic.
Screentime is Making Kids Moody, Crazy, and Lazy I definitely think I see times where this seems to be true for my brood. We limit their time, but this article makes me want to give it up all together. What about you?
Our Kids Don’t Belong in School Why? As one homeschooler says, “I want my children’s education to be meaningful and engaging and for them to have the gift of time to study and explore their true passions…” Yes, yes, yes!
Why More Urban Parents Are Choosing Homeschooling We happen to be suburban homeschoolers, but I love what the nearby city of Philadelphia offers us including special programs at The Philadelphia Museum of Art.
When Success Leads to Failure Hmmm….I could imagine this happening. Anyone experienced this with their littles and what have you done to reverse it?
Dipsticks: Efficient Ways to Check for Understanding A lot of these sound like variations on narrating for older children. While so many options might not be necessary in our homes, I like the way it gets my mind thinking about comprehension and conversations.
Why We Need Older Women in the Workplace and in the church and in the homeschooling community. You might think this is a leap, but among this article I was reminded of the relationships encouraged in Titus 2. We need older women to help guide younger women.
The Proverbs 31 Man Have you ever considered Proverbs 31 in light of men? I hadn’t either.
My laziness says no, but my doodling says yes, there are 3 Ways Notebooks Top Digital Writing. What say you?
I’m off to enjoy our last jam packed weekend of the summer. I hope you are too!
Beth said: Have you ever considered Proverbs 31 in light of men?
Absolutely because many of the core characteristics and duties listed in Pr 31 are mutual, collective and congregational. In other words, many of the characteristics and duties listed in Pr 31 are for men too – not just women.
Mutual Traits/Duties Listed in Pr 31:
A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies (v.10).
The phrase translated as “virtuous woman” or “woman of noble character” means Eshet CHAYIL in Hebrew. CHAYIL (Strong’s 2428) means strength, the strength of a warrior. The word CHAYIL is also used to describe mighty men of valor in the Bible: Josh 1:14, 6:2; Judg 6:12; 2 Kgs 15:20. Therefore, the Hebrew word (CHAYIL) translated noble and/or virtuous in Pr 31:10 is not a distinctly feminine description. Men can and should be noble and virtuous (CHAYIL) too.
Do Good
She will do him good … (v.12). As believers, men and women are admonished to “do good” to our enemies (Lu 6:27, 35). Christian men and women are admonished to “do good” and to share with others (He 13:16).
Do No Harm
She brings him good, not harm … (v.12). Husbands are instructed to love their wives just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her (Eph 5:25). Romans 13:10 tells us that “love does no harm.” Therefore, if a husband loves his wife, he will not harm her.
Work With Your Hands
She … works with eager hands (v.13). Christian men and women are called to live quiet lives, mind our business and “work with our hands” … (1 Th 4:11).
Don’t Be Idle
She … does not eat the bread of idleness (v.27). Paul proclaimed the value of hard work and sternly warned men and women not to be idle (2 Th 3:6-12). “And we urge you, brothers and sisters, warn those who are idle and disruptive, encourage the disheartened, help the weak, be patient with everyone” ( 1 Th 5:14).
Speak With Wisdom
She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue (v.26). “The mouth of the righteous man utters wisdom, and his tongue speaks what is just” (Ps 37:30).
Care for the Poor
She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy (v.20). Christian men and women are admonished to care for the poor and needy (Ma 25:34-40).
Fear the Lord
… a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised (v. 30). “Blessed is the man who fears the LORD, who greatly delights in his commandments!” (Ps 112:1)
Many of the core traits and duties listed in Pr 31 are mutual, collective and congregational rather than distinctly feminine: being virtuous and noble (CHAYIL), doing their spouses good and not harm, working with their hands, not being idle, speaking wisdom, caring for the poor and fearing the Lord.
An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels (v. 10). Excellent, noble, virtuous wives are hard to find. Likewise, faithful, trustworthy men are also hard to find.
Many a man proclaims his own steadfast love, but a faithful man who can find?(Pr 20:6)
Thanks, Kim! I love how you made connections to so much of scripture beyond Proverbs 31. Certainly the characteristics of a Proverbs 31 woman are not exclusive to only women. I like how the author of the article refers to the relationship between the woman and her husband. How a woman is not a “Proverbs 31 woman” in isolation, but in relationship.