Do you find yourself reading aloud a portion of a great story and then pausing to ask your children, “What do you think?” or “Was that right or wrong to do?” I certainly have been known to do so! Especially when I find myself reading an older book from a time when things were perhaps spoken about or handled differently than we would today. I find myself wanting to explain parts of it away or make connections for them. But then, I read this…
“He will never get a second chance to read The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, or hear The Hobbit read aloud for the first time. Seize this early excitement. Let the child delve deep. Let him read, read, read. Don’t force him to stop and reflect on it yet. Don’t make him decide what he likes and doesn’t like about ancient Rome; let him wallow in gladiators and chariot races. The wonder of that first encounter with a strange civilization will never come again. “
“Fill their mind and imaginations with images and concepts, pictures and stories. Spread knowledge out in front of them, and let them feast.”
The Well-Trained Mind: A Guide to Classical Education at Home by Susan Wise Bauer, Jessie Wise
Oh yes! As a child I just loved getting lost in a good story with interesting characters. I need to allow my children that freedom to just be enraptured by a good story. The analyzing and critical thinking will come later. We can carry on conversations about it all later on. For now, while they’re young, we’ll just feast!
Side note: We gave our littles this audio drama version of The Chronicles of Narnia for Christmas and we’ve all been feasting on it!
I love this! I agree that there is a time for questions and checking understanding, and a time for simple immersion. Sounds like you are doing a great job!