“The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth forth his handiwork.” Psalm 19:1
Riding in the back of a truck heading into the total darkness of a bush village in Zimbabwe with my mission team members, my eyes were first exposed to the grandness the heavens hold. Stars as numerous and as far as the eye could see…big, small, millions of them! Coming from the artificially light-saturated suburbs of Washington D.C., I had NO idea there were so many stars in the sky! The imprint from that view is still fresh in my mind. My heart yearns to see it again! And yet, I know I was limited by my sight and my perspective. Imagine, how much there is left unseen to any eye! My mind reals with the possibilities. Surely, His glory is great!
My excitement for the stars is stoked by this year’s cycle with Classical Conversations. I have much to learn about astronomy and I’m excited to learn it alongside my littles. Along this route, we decided to add a telescope to our homeschool tools this year. My husband doesn’t only consider this a tool, but also a toy. 🙂 He was excited to search for and purchase this for our family. This kind of learning is what he loves to do with our littles.
I may have mentioned before my husband is our resident researcher. If I give him an idea, he searches it out to find the best product to fit our list of wishes and budget. For our telescope, he decided on the Celestron Astromaster 114 EQ Reflector Telescope. Besides entering keywords on Google like “best telescope,” “amateur telescope,” and “best telescope for kids,” he read customer reviews on telescopes.com and amazon.com.
For now, our telescope is on a stand in our living room. I like the look of it and seeing it there is a reminder to use it! Here’s hoping for many clear nights of star gazing over the years!
Watch this amazing video to hear the stars declaring the glory of God! I promise it will only put you in more awe of our creator.
Wonderful, and I am sure you will all enjoy using it! We have a simple, Celestron scope that we purchased for less than $50 when we studied Astronomy and we still pull it out often for moon viewing. We’d like to add a couple more lenses this year for better planetary viewing (the best we can see at this point is an orbed shape when we view Venus, etc). This year has some incredible planet-viewing coming up from this month until summer…one of my goals is to see Saturn’s rings in May when they’ll be on full display.
What an awesome creator we serve!
yes! we are excitedly waiting for some clear, warmish nights to fully enjoy it 🙂
What a great tool to have in your homeschool! We don’t have one, but I’ll have to consider it when we get to astronomy. Thanks for sharing!
yeah, it’s fun! the littles & bigs of our family were excited to add it 🙂
We recently purchased a telescope for our niece. She had been using an old pair of binoculars to view the view and look at the stars. We found a great online deal for the Celestron PowerSeeker 70EQ, and she loves it! Who knows, maybe one day she’ll grow up to be a scientist !
How’s she liking her telescope? Definitely a step up from her binoculars, I’m sure!