History – Draw about the industrial revolution using the History Sentence Picture Pages while reviewing the history sentence. Show the boys the steam engine section in The Way Things Work.
English – Make flashcards using 5×7 cards. On the lined side, write the indefinite pronouns. On the blank side, draw a picture to represent the pronoun. Read I and You and Don’t Forget Who: What is a Pronoun?
Latin – Use Half-A-Hundred Acre Wood’s story prompts to review tenses.
Science – Complete our notebook pages for states of matter. Do this simple science project to make plasma. Perhaps watch this movie, which explains plasma, the least known state of matter.
Math – Spotted a great idea on Instagram from user carlybphoto to essentially use 5×7 cards to make self-correcting puzzle cards to review liquid equivalents. The above picture is hers (thanks for letting me share it, carly!) – see what I mean?
Geography – Continuing on with map marking and continent blobbing. These are so important for building the foundation of geography, why stray? Okay, sometimes we do for variety, but mostly we stick to these methods.
Fine Arts – We’re going to review information learned at CC about one of the great eight artists using a resource created by Sola Gratia Mom. In the near future, I’ll be reviewing this for you and sharing a chance for you to win!
We split these activities up throughout the week based on subject (Monday – Community Day; Geography at home, Tuesday – History, Wednesday – Math & English, Thursday – Science & Latin, and Friday – Fine arts) Often one or two (or more) will not get completed. But, I do like to have ideas ready for when I want them. How about you? How’re your weeks going?
Seth wrote up a blog post about how to make plasma in the microwave if you happen to have time for a little science experiment this week. You only need a grape, a plate, a glass cup, and a microwave. http://runningwithteamhogan.com/states-of-matter-plasma/
I saw the post on FB & was gonna ask if you were ready for the blog to be shared publicly. I’m taking this comment as a yes! 🙂
I’m gonna update this post with it too 🙂