Guys, welcome back, Classical Conversations Writers Circle blogger Jennifer Courtney. Today, she’s sharing with us the results of her polling of seventy Classical Conversations families for the reasons why they homeschool.
Recent news coverage of homeschooling has revealed a 75% increase in homeschooling in the past eight years. In addition, the reporting demonstrated a slight shift in the reasons families cite for choosing this path. Those who homeschool for religious reasons make up a significant number, but parents are increasingly attracted to homeschooling for other reasons. In a recent story on Fox News Channel, 36% of families reported that they homeschool for religious reasons while 17% are dissatisfied with the quality of instruction in public schools.
Since I participate in a nationwide homeschooling community, Classical Conversations, Inc., these reports piqued my interest. I recently polled our families to get a sense of their top reasons for homeschooling. Seventy families responded and I compiled the results into ten categories of frequently cited reasons. Interestingly, one reason not cited at all in recent news reports was that families strongly desire to spend more time studying and working together.
a. Freedom to socialize with all ages, from infants to the elderly,
ndards through:
a. Responsibility for a child’s education belongs primarily to the family, and
b. Families should oversee character training and determine appropriate
academic testing of their children.
a. Desire to spend more time together as a family,
b. Flexibility to travel,
c. Desire to study and work together and witness their children’s
successes, and
d. Ability to disciple and mentor children by training and teaching throughout the day.
a. Quality of one-on-one instruction,
b. Opportunities for bright students to work ahead,
c. Opportunities for children with learning disabilities to work at their own
pace, and
d. Matching educational plans to a child’s learning style.
a. More time to explore areas of interest such as performance and fine arts,
science, history, and athletics,
b. More time for creative play for young children, and
c. More time for training in life skills such as work, money management, etc.
a. School violence
b. Drugs
c. Bullying, and even
d. Negative attitudes such as apathy toward schoolwork
I wanna know – did you see the reason you homeschool among this list?
Let’s do our own informal study! Share the reasons you homeschool in
the comments.
1. Kerkman, Maggie: “Educating Our Children: The Evolution of Home Schooling,” Feb. 9, 2011.
2. Whitfield, Fredricka: “Homeschooling on the Rise, but Why?” Dec. 3, 2010.
What a great read. Thanks for sharing it and for the extensiveness of this report as well as the survey.
Just about every reason we have decided to homeschool was touched on. But, the main one would be strong family relationships with Religious reasons taking a close second.
Blessings on your homeschool venture,
thanks, lori! i really appreciate you sharing your family’s reasons. blessings to you!
We decided to homeschool primarily for educational reasons at first, my daughter has a January birthday and was not eligible to attend Kindergarten until this year, when she has been reading for two years already. Religious reasons came close behind, although there are many good private parochial schools here, we do not have the financial means to send her to one. And most recently, we found out we are expecting #2 next year and with an age gap of 5 1/2 years, I want to make sure my children will know each other and have a good relationship with one another. Thanks for your post!
close sibling relationships is one of my favorite things about homeschool! i now can’t imagine my littles spending hours and hours day upon day from each other. i think it would break my heart! thanks for sharing, musical mama!