UPDATE: Congrats Aimee Zoppi Confer, you are the winner! Aimee has been contacted via email. Thanks to everyone for entering and congrats again to Aimee!
CC at Home Book Club selection #3 is Classical Christian Education Made Approachable. Have you read selections #1 and #2 with us? I hope so! If so, this is 3 out of 4 we’ll be doing this summer. That means you’re already halfway there! If you haven’t been, no worries. CCEMA gives you a detailed overview of classical, Christian education in a small package. Just as the last selection, this is a shortie, but goodie.
In Classical Conversations’ own words, “this booklet will show you a blueprint for the tools of learning! Learn how you too can build your family’s home-centered, classical education using the building blocks of knowledge, understanding, and wisdom.” Essentially CC founder Leigh Bortins formed her children’s education and founded Classical Conversations based on this information. Her family self-describes themselves as “archeologists” digging through the layers of time to discover classical education. I’m thinking that reading this succinct book full of their findings can save some serious digging time of my own.
If you’re interested in reading along, enter to win a copy of Classical Christian Education Made Approachable generously provided by Classical Conversations below. You can also enter to win at Half a Hundred Acre Wood and And Here We Go. (You can only win one copy though!)
Please note: If you’re choosing to “like” Classical Conversations at Home on Facebook as your means of entry, you must 1) select it through Rafflecopter (below) and 2) visit the Classical Conversations at Home page on Facebook to like it. If you select “like” on FB, but do not actually “like” on FB, your entry will not be valid. Thank you!!
Happy reading & entering, everyone!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Would love to add this to our library. I am reading The Core right now.
The Core is a good one! So much practical application to be learned there. I love how Leigh shares specific examples of her family’s homeschooling experience.
I would love to read this book and then use it as a loaner for interested friends! It looks to be brief, organized, and to the point and one that I could get my husband to read! I just read through The Well Trained Mind and The Core (which I borrowed) after attending the local spring Practicum. These, combined with a year in Foundations, and I think I may just be getting my head around the concepts of a Classical Education. Kate D in NH
Yes, Kate! That’s exactly how I’m learning. I too borrowed books & am now slowly adding them to my personal library.
I’m starting my third year of CC and love it. This looks like an excellent resource.
Yay for CC! 🙂
I heard about this at the practicum!
Oh, good! Insider tip — our next selection will be the book given away at practicum. Do you have a copy? Have you started reading it?
I want anything I can get my hands on since I am not part of a community. I read Susan Wise, The Core and attended a local practicum. The practicum sealed the deal, CC rocks!! lol
Stacy W.
Oh, Stacy, I wish for you that you could be part of a community. But, since you’re not, I’m even more glad you can be part of our online community. Reading about classical education has really been the best way for me to learn about it.
I am new to CC but like what I’ve seen. Really want my daughter to learn all she can.
Hey, Rhoda! Welcome! For the love of our little blessings, right?
This will be our 3rd year of Classical Conversations and each summer at Practicums I learn so much and I am encouraged to grow in my understanding of the Classical journey our family is on. This books sound like a great read. Thanks!
Allison, you probably know enough to share with all of us now! Aren’t the practicums great for learning in community? I’m kind of a conference nerd, but I love them!
This will be our first year with Classical Conversations. I just started reading “The Core” today. Thanks!
Welcome to CC, Cora! The Core is a great place to start!
I am currently reading The Core and plan to reread Doug Wilson’s Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning before the summer is over. I would love to find a book that gives a very simple set of instructions as to how to actually structure/organize one’s school day with classical education (particularly CC). I find that to be the most difficult part of homeschooling. 🙂 And, by the way, I love your blog. I discovered you through Brandy’s blog, and I love the simplicity of the way you share your approach to CC. You have helped me so much! Thank you.
I have not read this one yet. Sounds good though.
BTW in regards to your comment above I have read a good bit of the book they gave away at practicum, and while at first I liked it, I must say that the author is really extreme. I am surprised that CC thought this book would be a good one to hand out to the average homeschool mom. It is really intense academically and really over the top with what he recommends. I would really be interested to hear your and others’ thoughts.
Just checking out the classical conversations style! Jumping into this homeschool stuff head on!
Still learning!