As y’all know, I primarily spend my time here sharing how I form my family’s learning around the Foundations guide provided by Classical Conversations. But, just two short years ago, the classical education model was completely foreign to me. I am slowly learning my way, but I still have SO much more to learn! Around me, I see the same problem — families who are trying, but struggling to understand the classical model enough to teach that way at home. Maybe you’re like me? Still sorting through how classical education works for your family?
Well, in an effort to learn more myself and share what I learn with you, I’m launching this book club. Each month myself and 3 other CC mom bloggers will read a book on classical education. Then we’ll each post a general synopsis of the book and share what we learned with you. My hope is that you’ll be inspired to join us in reading the selection each month and learning right alongside us. & Of course, I’d love to read your thoughts on the book in the comments!
For starters, I’m excited to give you a brief introduction to the other CC mom bloggers who are joining me in the CC at Home Book Club. First up (in alphabetical blog order!), we have music-loving mom of two adorable young girls, Melody from And Here We Go. Secondly, former elementary school teacher and mom of two Crecia blogs at CCing It One Day At A Time. And last, but not least, mom of three boys and classically eclectic super blogger, Brandy from Half-a-Hundred Acre Wood. I love each of these bloggers for sharing not only their ideas, but their hearts with all of us in the larger CC community. If you’re not already familiar with their blogs, check them out!
Now without further ado, this inaugural month’s selection is Teaching the Trivium: Christian Homeschooling in a Classical Style by Harvey and Laurie Bluedorn. CC’s 2013 Catalog lists Teaching the Trivium as one of their favorite, easy-to-read guides to classical, Christian education. I thought this would make it a great kicking off point! The Bluedorns have kindly agreed to sponsor this selection and are also generously giving one copy to a randomly selected reader from each of the participating blogs. Exciting, right? Inspired to join us? I hope so!
There are three ways you can enter here to win:
1) Post a comment on this post sharing your interest in reading about classical education, this book club selection, or future book club selections you’d like to see.
2) Share a link to this post on Facebook or “like” Classical Conversations at Home on FB.
3) Pin this post on Pinterest.
Be sure to tell me in the comments all the ways you’ve entered and leave your contact info! The giveaway ends at 11:59pm on May 14, 2013. The winner will be announced on May 15, 2013. Check the other participating blogs for the ways to enter there.
And get reading! I can’t wait to discuss this book with all of you!
I was so excited to read your post this morning! I have been feeling the same way here lately. I am entering my second year of CC with my girls and this will be our first year with two in the Foundations class. I’ve been trying to wrap my brain around the Classical Model of education and these blogs are going to be a HUGE help! I can’t wait to start reading.
Great, Rhianna! Sounds like we’re in very similar places : )
I’m looking forward to reading more about the classical model especially the Christian classical model. I love taking time in the spring and summer to learn more and think about the direction of my homeschool.
me too! It’s my time to teach myself and prepare for the next school year!
We start CC this fall! I would love to get to know more of the Trivium before we jump in. I pinned this post, and liked you on FB! meganschellis@g m a i l. com YAY! Megan
Great, Megan! It will certainly help to go into your first year understanding more about classical education & the trivium! You’ll be better off than I was my first year : )
I’ve been in CC for two years and always taught classically – need to add this book to my shelf!!
Melissa, that’s great! You have a lot more experience than me — I can’t wait to hear your thoughts on the book! Can you please give me your contact info? If you don’t want to leave your email address here, you can send it to me bethwatson115{at}gmail{dot}com Thanks!!
I would love to read this book!! We will be starting our first year with CC in the Fall and would love to have as much background knowledge as possible!
Yes! Good idea! I wish I had! But, I’m finding my way now….slowly : )
I would love to win this book! I plan to read it and “The Core” this summer. Thank you for the giveaway!
I’m re-reading The Core right now, in preparation for teaching a class at my practicum!
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Like you, I’m new to the Classical Education world. Ever since I signed my 4 year old up last year I’ve been on a reading kick. Prior to that, I did not find ANY joy in reading. It’s amazing how God has opened my eyes to a world of insight, knowledge, and love of reading. Thank you for this opportunity. My email is
that’s awesome! isn’t it cool to see how God can use homeschooling?
I ‘like’ your page on FB (Abigail Fuller Carpenter)
I pinned this post to Pinterest
This was my first year with CC, my first year tutoring CC and my first year using classical education model! We are in love with CC, but I have not read anything yet. My summer plan this year was to start reading more about classical education so that I could be better prepared to train the next upcoming tutors this fall. I would love to win a copy of this book! And I am planning on bookmarking this blog to follow along!
girl, you went for it this year! wow! enjoy your summer of reading! hope it’s restful too! : )
liked facebook page 🙂
I would love to win! Any chance I have to learn more about classical education is a blessing. Thanks for the giveaway!
awesome! glad you’re “joining” the club : )
I liked your FB page.
Aaaand I pinned it. 🙂
Hank you for all you do. This is our first year doing CC and our first year officially homeschooling. I follow your blog and appreciate all that you do. I would love to be part of the book club. I also liked your page on Facebook.
great, kristin! welcome to the club & the cc community! : )
I would love to win this book and join in reading it! I am new to CC this year and will be a director next year, so I want to learn all I can over the summer! Thanks!
congrats on being a director! my sister is starting a new campus as a director too, after being new this year. you girls are strong! : )
I also pinned this 😉
Liked the facebook page too!
Pinned it!
I would love a chance to win this book! It’s been on my list for years.
great, janet! what other classical education titles have you read?
liked on facebook
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I’d like to join this book club. I’ve been reading one book after another and plan to read several again so it all sinks in! 🙂
that’s cool, jessica! it’s like retraining your brain about everything you thought you knew about education, right? & considering i was a social work/Bible major, there wasn’t much there about education to begin with! : )
Would love to learn more about classical education. Thanks for the opportunity to grow and learn!
angie, i was already excited & now i’m even more excited as i see y’all’s enthusiasm! : ) glad you’re joining in!
Hi Beth,
God put christian classical education into our lifes in His perfect timing. A wonderful answer to prayer. Not only are our boys getting a fantastic education I am renewing my education as well. So blessed… And I am enjoying reading all the books on classical education and can’t get enough of them. I have heard great things regarding Teaching the Trivium. Our CC Director would often give us Trivium tidbits during our opening throughout the year. Would love to win it. But, if not I may have to throw out the 30.00 to purchase it. It sounds well worth the money. Also, I completely enjoy reading your blog…You are an inspiring momma…
lori, i feel the same way! i’m learning so much right alongside my littles. : ) i’m often in awe of how God has used homeschooling in our family so much already.
thank you for your encouraging words : )
Hi!! I just foun you via Pinterest! I am starting homeschooling in the fall with a 3rd and kindergartener. First timer! And I have just joined our local cc group. I have never know of the classical model until a couple of months ago. I am so excited to learn along with my littles! So I am brand new and so grateful for your book reviews you’ll be doing! And for this giveaway! I pinned an liked you on Facebook. My contact is cbritgo@msn.c o m. THANK YOU!!!!
great! so glad you can learn along with me & the other moms. : ) welcome to the cc community!
I pinned it on Pinterest
Thanks for the opportunity to win a great sounding book!
absolutely! excited to hear your feedback after reading it!
I have owned this book for YEARS and just couldn’t get through the first third on my own. I’m looking forward to being in a book club where we can discuss it more. That’s my learning style! 🙂
alicia, i’m with you on that! i like reading it with a group for accountability and the fun of discussing it. : ) i look forward to hearing what you think!
I have posted a comment on this blog post. I’ve shared it on both of my CC groups on facebook.
I’ve liked Classical Conversations at Home on facebook
And I’ve pinned it under Classical Conversations on my pinterest.
If I win, I’ll give it to a deserving fellow CCer 🙂
I pinned this post as well as liked you on FB. We hope to start CC in the fall with all three of my children. One in foundations and two in foundations & essentials. I’m also hoping to tudor. We have a new community starting here. My info is
thanks, lisa! i hope you can join CC. : ) either way, this book will help as you begin to explore classical education. : )
Ooh, I’d love to win! We’re going to the beach in 2 weeks and I’m taking The Well-Trained Mind and The Core. I re-read them every summer; it gets me psyched up for the next school year!
yes, spring/summer reading to get rejuvenated for the next year. i love doing that too! now, if only i was doing my reading at the beach…
I “Like” you on FB and I pinned the post! tara (dot) guy (at) gmail (dot) com
thanks! : )
Surprising, my county library doesn’t carry “The Core.” A neighboring county has 1 copy which they appear to have lost. I tried buying in on AMAZON and was told it would take 2 months to arrive (maybe it’s back in stock now.) So, I could use some good reading on CC. We start in the fall with a K-4…but two of our local communities are already waitlisted, so I don’t know if we’ll get in. You can catch me on FB where I “like” you. I also tried to PIN, but I’m not sure I did it right.
that is a surprise, Steph! ; ) thanks for joining in! : )
I like you on FB 🙂
I am currently reading ‘The Core’ and really enjoying it!! Would love to hear your thoughts on it sometime!
oh good, Tammi! Me too! I’m re-reading it in prep for teaching a class at our practicum on it. i hope to post about it soon! : )
Like so many on here, this will be my first year doing CC and I’ve also signed on to be a tutor. I read The Core a few months ago and was instantly hooked. I can’t wait to start using classical education with my four children. Now I feel like I need to soak up anything! Thank you for offering this giveaway! Kimberly (kimberlymilton at hotmail dot com)
yeah for 4 kiddos! : ) sounds like you’re getting prepared for your first year. awesome job!
I ‘liked’ you on FB! (kimberlymilton at hotmail dot com)
I also ‘pinned’ this! (kimberlymilton at hotmail dot com)
I taught at a Classical homeschool co-op after college for two years, and have since married and we have our first daughter. Formal school is still a little ways away, but it’s never too early to plan. I’ve heard a lot about this book but have never read it!
i agree – never too early! : ) it’s great you’re already thinking about it.
Pinned this, as well!
1) I have wanted to read this book. I am glad that this was your selection.
2) I liked your FB page.
3) I pinned this post on Pinterest.
thanks! : ) I’m glad you like the selection. it’s been challenging me already. glad you’re joining in! : )
I know I had a copy of this book, but now I can’t find it. 🙁 This is a great idea Beth, and I am looking forward to reading your thoughts. I would also recommend “A Thomas Jefferson Education” to add to your list.
thanks, Christy! “A Thomas Jefferson Education” is on my list! I’m hoping to read it this summer…hopefully before our practicum. & you know, I always love to hear your thoughts!!!
I liked your page on FB, and I’m about 1/3 of the way thru Climbing Parnassus. I figured since we were about to do practicum this year, I should read the book we got last year. haha
We’ve been really interested in CC for our kids but with my husband furloughed, it seems a little out of our price range right now. Is it possible to do at home? This book is on my reading list this summer – I’ve been extremely interested in a classical education but have been pretty laid back with school since I just had twins.
I could understand that. It is possible to do CC exclusively at home, but I think it would be difficult to maintain. Without the accountability and fellowship of other families & our weekly community days, I doubt I would consistently keep up with it. If you decide to go for it exclusively at home, be sure to stay plugged in to the online community. That could help : )
Starting homeschooling and CC in the fall. Have been wanting to read this book as week look to begin our journey in classical education.
Good, Robyn! Welcome to the CC community! : )
I am also new to the classical model. In fact, I am still not 100% sold. I do love our CC community and I am feeling the urge to study this method more deeply so that I will be sold to get me through the struggles and to be committed fully! I look forward to your review and also to more insight and understanding in our local upcoming practicum in VT. _Kate
Kate, I can relate. I was like that myself. : ) I’m glad you have a great CC community! Look here — to see how I started reading classical education books to kinda win me over to classical education too. Once you understand the case for classical, it makes so much more sense! Happy reading!
I am interested in reading this. Thanks!
great, Liz! glad you’re joining us! : )
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I love all of the bloggers who are joining you in this journey! I’ve read The Core and the Well-Trained Mind and I have “Climbing Parnassus” but I haven’t been brave enough to start it. Yet. I think it would be so helpful to have others working through it together!
My 7 year old and I are wrapping up our first year of CC on our own at home, as our local group is full, but a new community may be opening and I am so hopeful that we can be a part of it. CC has been a great part of our school year, but I often wonder how much better our school year would go if we had the support and accountability of other families!
smkalsem at gmail dot com
aren’t they all great? : ) i love them too!
it sounds like our reading lists are the same! here’s my post about climbing parnassus, — check it out! maybe it’ll inspire you to start reading it! : ) crossing my fingers that you & your 7 year old get in to the new community! i do think it helps a lot. but, way to go, sticking with it mama!
Very interested in reading this book. We have been CCing it for 3 years now and love it! Always looking for more knowledge on how to further my kids with learning. Thanks
you’ve got a year more under your belt than me, simone! i’m 8 chapters in & the book has really given me so much to think about. i hope you get to read it too!
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Liked on Facebook! Want to learn more about classical eduction. Thanks for the opportunity to win the book! 🙂
great, Tina! thanks : )
I’m wanting to learn more about classical christain education. Hoping this book will fill in some gaps for me!
believe me, it will stretch your mind & fill in some gaps! : )
Here’s my comment….I am curious to read this book esp hearing some of your review so far!
ha! i bet you are, sarah! ; ) thanks!
Sad that they don’t have a kindle version. :-(. Guess I will have to order it. Can’t wait to start reading it. 🙂
true. a kindle version would be nice! can’t wait to hear what you think! : )
I would love to win this book and join the book club. I have had it on my wish list for a couple of years now but haven’t come around to it yet.
For my second entry to your giveaway – I pinned this post to my pinterest. 🙂
I don’t know much about the classical approach, but would love to learn more, as we are planning on homeschooling our children – have a 9 month old and one on the way 🙂
shared on facebook
So glad to have you linking up to Trivium Tuesdays! I actually found your blog a week or so ago when looking up info on Classical Conversations. Did I comment or something and is that how you found me and Trivium Tuesdays, or was that just coincidental? I’ve never read Teaching the Trivium, but I really need to. I just started The Well Trained Mind (and a book club for that), so I won’t be reading this one right now, but I’ll have to pop in to hear what you share and learn more about the book!
Hey Amy! That’s so great that you found me at nearly the same time. I’ve actually been reading iBlog & found Trivium Tuesdays listed there. It sounded like my kind of link-up, so I couldn’t wait to visit. So, I guess we say coincidence? : ) Either way, it’s exciting. I’m glad you’ll be popping back to read up on Teaching the Trivium. I’ll definitely be back to see what you & your readers have to say about TWTM….and before that! Thanks for commenting : )