Using our new Latin review cards, which I printed from Suzanne Shares and laminated, the boys worked to lay out the declension sheets in order from first to fourth (They are not in the correct order pictured here.) Next, I gave them the picture cards one declension at a time, which they lined up with the sheets. When they did this, they could tell if the larger declension sheets were in the right order or not. Pictured here they are doing the first declension noun endings. So, it allowed for some self-correcting.
After getting them all done correctly, we reviewed them first to music and second without looking. I’m excited about using these cards more, because I think they have lots of flexibility!
It was great fun, but we have a long way to go before we know them all solidly. How about you? Any fun review happening at home?
[…] like to keep our Latin review simple and repetitive, so we’re going to review Latin like this again. It’s been working great!English – I think we’ll revisit our […]
OH YAY!!!!!! i love seeing these pictures! 🙂 so glad you’re boys enjoyed these cards! 🙂 🙂
Suzanne, please tell me you’ll be making some cards for cycle 2! pretty please! 🙂