Sometimes I get so caught up in the must dos of school that I forget about the fun freedoms that homeschooling affords us.
Like….playing in the mud in the middle of the day!
Like…reviewing your memory work laying on a comfy chair with your feet in the air.
And reading your baby sister’s favorite book to her during language arts time.
This list could go on & on! What are some of your favorite freedoms that come along with teaching your children at home? Do share!
It’s good to be reminded of the freedom homeschooling allows us. The last few weeks – we’ve done countless projects related to our new guinea pigs, made get-well cards for a friend in place of handwriting, having an afternoon playdate when a mom needed to come by and pick something up, dropping everything to read a new book from the kids’ favorite book series (imagination station) that they ordered with their own money (counting out that money was also a great school lesson), letting us start “school time” extremely late because my 6 year old daughter wanted to make pancakes or egg bake all by herself for everyone (or when she wanted to do the laundry!), doing my 5-year-old’s reading lesson while he ate breakfast because he’s getting excited to learn how to read, playing tag and airplane in the yard because the sun was out, and probably many more I’m not thinking of at the moment . .. I think it’s really just enjoying the fact that we can change our plans to what is needed, or take a learning opportunity as it presents itself even if it isn’t the next lesson in the math book or not related to our memory work. My kids are learning to be life-long learners I hope and learning to be willing to serve and help others instead of just following our schedule.
Skipping everything so that we can go outside and play. I love it when what’s on the science memory work is something that can be discussed while playing outside, and science gets to be experienced rather than just read about in a book. BTW I love getting to look at your blog. I’ve read it for a while, but hardly chime in. I need to do it more. It’s so encouraging to meet other CC moms out there.
yesss! just being outside gives so many great opportunities to learn & it’s just fun! : ) thanks so much for your comment, LaDonna! i agree – the CC community of moms is great!