Guys, I seriously could not be more excited to share this Creation Science for Kids – Earth Science Unit by Mia of Homeschool Curriculum Co. with you. As you already know, I fell in love with the Creation Science for Kids – Biology Study Unit. Well, I fell even harder & more quickly this time.
Opening a science curriculum and reading integration of the Bible in every part is like a breath of fresh air. Digging into the Word of God, while talking science, is exactly what I want our homeschooling to be like. Having a curriculum written that way, for me to use, makes it so much easier!
The Biology Study Unit is just over 50 pages long with 12 lessons, designed to match up week by week with our CC memory work, and full color graphics. Click here to see the list of lesson titles and for free sample unit pages.
It is simply and well written; easy enough for my younger littles to follow along and engaging enough for my oldest little to embrace. Each lesson involves discussion questions, which are great and can be done as a group or as independent study for older scholars. If you’re like me and science is one of your weaker areas, this curriculum can help fill in the gaps for you.
Also, it’s affordable – $4.99 for the e-book which is full color & printable – and written by a homeschooling mom, like us! When possible, it’s always a joy to support another homeschooling mom.
As I said in my review of the Biology Study Unit, I don’t actually print out the lessons. Rather, I pull up my downloaded book, and we read it together on my computer screen. Anything on the computer feels like a treat to my littles, so that works great for us.
So, check out the website and view the sample lesson pages! & Please enter the giveaway here. Mia has graciously offered a free copy of Creation Science for Kids – Earth Science Unit to two lucky readers. The giveaway will end on Monday, January 14th, 2013, at 11:59pm. The winner will be announced on Tuesday, January 15th, 2013. Because I know y’all will want to use this right away, I’m keeping the entrance time short! Plus, it’s like giving a present; once I have it, I don’t want to wait long to give it away! : )
There are 4 ways to enter: 1) leave a comment below, 2) sign up to follow my blog by RSS feed, 3) “like” Classical Conversations at Home on Facebook, and/or 4) share my Facebook page, Classical Conversations at Home, on your page. If you share my page, please be sure to leave me a comment on FB so I know! As an added bonus, if my FB page reaches 100 likes before the contest entrance period ends, I’ll give everyone who FB shared my page an additional entrance. Woo! If you do all 4 ways, you’ll be entered 4 times.
This looks like a great curriculum! 🙂 (Becki Hogan) I really think I’ll buy it if I don’t win.
It is, Becki! & super easy to use : )
I will Love it for my CC boy! My email is
This would be great for my CC twins:) And it looks like something we can reuse as we cycle back around.
I get your updates in email. My address is faithonfyre at yahoo dot com
This is so great!!!!! All the earth books at the library make mention of the earth being millions of years old. Finally something from a biblical perspective.
I am looking forward to beginning the homeschooling journey with my little girl!
Hey Beth! Thanks for sharing! I will def have to pick your brain for some more great homeschooling curriculum in the near future!
I would love to win this, I bought the Creation Science Biology and LOVED it! Thanks! fannyloo (at) msn (dot) com.
I have “liked” you on FB! 😉
Looks awesome!
I’d love to win this. Also liked you on FB and enjoy all your ideas!
Thanks Liz for the kind words! : )
Just an FYI, I’m not seeing your “like” on FB. May be my user error : ), but please double check that you liked my page & not just the FB post. Thanks! : )
I see it now! Maybe I just missed it before…. : )
I am so excited about this!!! Hope I win. 🙂
I’m excited about this.
This looks like a great unit!
So excited to find this! Would love to win a copy! 🙂
This is so great! Who wouldn’t love to win a copy of this?! This would be great alongside of CC!
Coolio! I would love to have this. I Direct in Austin and can’t wait to take a look at this and offer it as a possible idea to the moms on our campus.
I’m not in a CC co-op, but I do a lot of the same things! This science curriculum looks super cool! I’m commenting, liked the FB page, and shared the FB page. Please put me down for three chances to win! Thanks for having a give-away!
Can’t wait to start our CC journey!
New to CC, and loving all the resources available!
These look great! I can’t wait to try it!!
This looks great! Thank you for the chance to win it!!
Thanks so much!
Excited about this giveaway!
“liked” you on Facebook
Liked your Facebook page!
Liked your Facebook page. Four years using CC and LOVE all the resources, excited to use this at home !
I liked and shared your FB page, and am excited to check out all of the resources you’ve got listed. Thank you for doing this!
Love it! Heading over to FB now to like and share your page. Thanks!!
Great! I love CC and enjoy great supplements. Thanks.
Thanks. We love CC too!!
I just started my little boy in CC last week and would love to have this to supplement with! Thanks so much for your blog. I am loving it so far. So glad I found you!
I also just signed up for your email updates!
Hi Beth,
I’m beginning to organize my resources and ideas for cycle 1 and came across this post. The links for the creation science study are not current now. Do you by chance know if this is still available?
Thanks so much!
Erica, until your message I didn’t realize the link was no longer working. I’m not sure what happened. A quick search yielded no results for me. But, if I hear anything, I’ll let you know!
I think I found her new link! It shows both the Biology Unit and Earth Science units as Erica showed. They’re both still $4.99.