Did you see the announcement on my FB page? CC Connected is free until September 16th! Visit the Classical Conversations page and watch the streaming announcements at the top of the page until you see the one announcing the free use until 9/16; log in DIRECTLY from that announcement in order for it to work for you.
If all the options are a little overwhelming at first, check out this list of files found on CC Connected for use on your tri-fold board or in other ways for CCing at home!
This is my first year using CC Connected and I’m excited to see all the ways it can help us at home. How about you? Are you signed up for CC Connected? What are some ways you use it at home? Any certain users whose work you’re especially drawn to again & again?
Yesterday was the first day my children used the memory work tutorial. They LOVED it and thought it was so exciting even as I thought it was kind of boring. 🙂 Other than that, I mainly have used CC connected in the past to help get ready as a tutor. I have a feeling I’ll use it more and more over time.
haha! that’s funny! sometimes i think just the screen alone gets them excited. : )
I really don’t care for the tutorial personally. I tried it out last year and thought it was boring. I was expecting a little more then just someone reading the memory work while the words were put on the screen. I felt like I could do that for free. 🙂 If it was a little more interactive it would be better I think. My sister used it last year and liked it though. I prefer to review using the Beth Fox CD, since having songs for the memory work besides the history sentence is really helpful.
i agree about the music, christy! one of mine especially seems to be an auditory learner. : ) i don’t plan to use the tutorials, but i am hoping to find plenty of memory work printables.