Keeping Up With Your Independent Reader

Homeschooling parents often find themselves in the tricky dilemma of encouraging their little scholars to independent reading, but having little of their own time to keep up with their growing little's reading.  This leaves them in the uncomfortable position of not being fully clued in to what their child is reading.  A parent has two main goals in … [Read more...]

Teaching Reading Classically

Do y'all remember my series entitled At Home with the Classical Method? In it, I shared some things I learned from reading The Core.  Do you want to know more, but can't quite find the time to read The Core yet? Then these series of articles written by guest poster, Jennifer Courtney, from the Classical Conversations Writers Circle are for … [Read more...]

At Home with The Classical Method – Teaching Reading

"The only thing I feel really sure of having accomplished today is that I taught Cliffie Wright that A is A.  He never knew it before. Isn't it something to have started a soul along a path that may end in Shakespeare and Paradise Lost?" - Anne of Anne of Avonlea Isn't it something? How exciting that we're able to teach our children to read!  I … [Read more...]

The View from Here – Reading Together

Mostly we read together on the couch in our family room.  But, on this day, we all snuggled in my bed to read together.  One of my littles didn't make it to the end of the chapter before falling asleep.  Risk of reading in bed? Guess so. Totally worth it. … [Read more...]

The View from Here – More Reading!

I have been desperately wanting to add in more reading time to our days, but I've often found the time too short.  Well, today, with all of our schooling have-to-dos checked off for the week, we (I) released some of our want-to-dos from the list in order to read (& snuggle!) more. Those want-do-dos were our fine art project for home … [Read more...]