Drafting Our Daily Schedule

Okay, so here goes, take one! I've drafted my planned daily schedule for this school year. I wrote it in pen, but probably should've started in pencil, because I'm leaving plenty of room for changes and flexibility.  My scheduling goals are to: 1) Give the core subjects priority. 2) Spend quality time with each of my littles - … [Read more...]

Foundations Guide Updates

3rd Edition, anyone?Okay, so along with my husband, I decided to keep my 3rd edition Foundations Guide that served our family well last year.  Which meant, I spent my Friday night adding updates to the grammar.  If you're keeping your 3rd edition too, be encouraged! It didn't take long at all.  Some I simply penned in, because they … [Read more...]

School Year Prep

Batch BakingOkay, so this might not technically be considered school preparation, but, for me, it's on the list!  Not being a morning person myself, it is always an effort to get the whole family out the door on time for our CC days.  But, it's so important to me for us to be on time & ready to learn (i.e. bellies full of nutritious … [Read more...]


Pinterest Planning cycle 1 book list 14 pinsEditEdit Board Cover Cycle 1 printables 3 pinsEditFriends, you can now click on the button on the right to follow Classical Conversations at Home on Pinterest! If you haven't tried Pinterest yet, I recommend checking it out.  It's essentially an online cork board for curating … [Read more...]