How To Study Science Without Really Trying

  Because I have a love of books and a desire for my children to learn, I've made a habit of purchasing the best reference books I can find and placing them around our home. As a result, I've stumbled upon how to study science without really trying. At least one or two of these great books are opened by my littles daily without any prompting … [Read more...]

How We Do Nature Study Indoors

Everyone in my home loves nature study.  When it's warm and beautiful or even warm and rainy, we head outside to make observations, take photographs, and draw.  But, with the combination of my pregnancy sickness and our seemingly never-ending Northeast winter, we've been inside a lot for nature studies lately.  Here's how we've … [Read more...]

The View From Here – Camping

As we're heading out the door for a weekend of camping at the shore, our nature study buckets were one of the last items crossed off our pack list and thrown into our car.  This should be fun! … [Read more...]