I’ve used and (unintentionally) abused my Homeschool Classical Planner for the last several months. I still feel badly about the water spill which soaked and wrinkled its pages. But, in spite of my goofs, it’s lasted through it all. The parts which have been my favorite:
1. The pockets. I’ve used them lots to stash all manner of papers in.
2. The special day planning pages. I was surprised to find myself using the gift list and holiday meal planning pages. It was so helpful to have all my lists in one place – and that place being the book I consult daily for our school schedule.
3. Weekly lesson plans. I love having all of our lesson plans in one place. I divided the work we’re covering for each subject into four day weeks. It’s great to have everything I need for one week at a glance. For example, if we have a day busy with other activities, I make sure to do more of our read-alouds on a different day.
4. Using pencil. Good call by me. 🙂 As it turns out, not all plans work out. I know, you’re shocked. Using pencil has allowed me to adjust things as needed, including redoing one math schedule to be a little slower and changing dates when our CC group was cancelled for snow.
5. The quality. The laminated cover must be responsible for keeping the inside pages smooth in spite of my spills and the spiral binding still functions beautifully even though I take it everywhere with me.
I could probably do with less than this planner offered, but I think utilizing the pages has kept me more organized this year. I know I’ll be grateful for the school attendance pages at the end of the school year when I must submit them to our evaluator. Plus there’s always the option of purchasing the digital version and printing just what I need for myself next year.
How about y’all? What do you love about your planner and what would you change? If you’ve found your dream planner, tell me all about it.
Love, love the way this planner kept us organized and on task! I too used pencil because we plan, and then we step back and allow life to happen! We serve a big and gracious God who often shows us a better way, a rainbow, a better book, or a simpler method in which to share His truth with our littles. After our bible/devotion/prayer time we have this great planner that some mom with the gift of administration put together because that was not a gift I was gifted, and it works! I can’t wait to see/use the 2016/2017 planner! Blessings!