My friends are the best. They’ve shared so much into my life and I’ve been blessed to have them share with y’all. From what you’ve shared with me, they’ve blessed you too. Counting down, here are the top 5 guest posts from 2014 —
#5 A Day in the Life – Largent Family This post by my pastor’s wife and all-around great friend is full of truths every homeschooling mama needs to hear.
#4 How I Teach Music and Art Appreciation to My Children With this post, my friend Christy helps remove the intimidation factor of teaching art appreciation at home to our children.
#3 A Day in the Life – Drebes Family Love this mom, love this family, and love how they spend their days.
#2 A Day in the Life – Strite Family I love Lisa’s ideas for homeschooling multiple children and adding play into their CC learning.
#1 If I Could Start Challenge A Again, I Would Do These 7 Things Differently As I’ve heard said multiple times now, the Challenge program is aptly named. My friend Julie makes it easier for you by sharing her tips for starting Challenge.
I spy a trend there! Y’all enjoy getting a peak inside the homeschooling lives of other families and I do too! Looking for more peeks? Check out the complete series of A Day in the Life of a CC Family posts. And be on the lookout for more posts before this school year is over.
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