UPDATE: Congrats to Devin Berna, the winner of the giveaway! Devin has been contacted and I’ll be sending along the set of four prescripts books. Thanks to everyone for entering!
Have you seen the Prescripts series of books created by Classical Conversations yet? They are essentially a series of four spiral bound books designed for the child to color, draw, trace, and copy as part of teaching them how to write. While giving the child fine motor skills practice, Prescripts also provides exposure to scripture, history, art, and American documents. Some of the copywork is specific to memory work the child will encounter in the cycles of CC. The four books are:
Prescripts Cursive Letters and Coloring: Medieval to Modern World History This is created for the beginning writer with tracing and writing of cursive, drawing, and coloring.
Prescripts Cursive Words and Drawing: Scripture contains 3 parts: Letters, Words, and Scriptures, Writing Numbers in Cursive, and Tricky Letter Combinations in the First Chapter of James. The cursive is about 3/4″ in size so not too difficult for the early cursive writer.
Prescripts Cursive Sentences and Art Lessons: Medieval to Modern World History includes the history sentences of cycle 2 and a variety of drawing lessons including using a grid, map drawing, composition, and portraiture. In this third book, the copywork selections increase in length and decrease in letter size.
Prescripts Cursive Passages and Illuminations: American Documents George Washington’s First Inaugural Address, The Missouri Compromise, and The Gettysburg Address can all be found here among other great speeches and documents from American history. Longer selections are divided into parts so as not to exhaust or exasperate the student, remembering that we want a high quality, not quantity of work.
Notice the progression from letters to words to sentences to passages? Each book builds on the previous book.
As a family, I see us using two of the books this year. The first book for my second oldest little (age 5), who learned print last year, and the second book for my oldest little (age 7), who learned cursive last year. I’m happy to keep our handwriting lessons streamlined, simple, and classical. It’s important to note that these books are reproducible within your own family, so it is possible to use one book over many years with your little scholars. Isn’t that great? I love simple, classical, and cost saving!
Click on the links above to view sample pages of each book.
And guess what? I’m excited to announce that in addition to giving me a copy of the Prescripts books to review myself, Classical Conversations has also generously given me one set of the four Prescripts books to giveaway. You may enter to win below. The contest will end Monday, July 1, 2013 at 12:00am, with the winner being announced on Monday, July 1, 2013. If the winner cannot be reached within 72 hours, a new winner will be selected and contacted. Happy entering, everyone!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
My oldest son is still learning to write, so we don’t do copywork yet, but I plan to later and really like these books! Thanks for the review and giveaway!
These look like fun. My daughter would probably enjoy them – and it might make handwriting practice a little easier.
I have my daughter copy the Classical History and Science cards, however I am very interested in the Prescripts books with her now going into the fourth grade this school year. Thank you for the review you gave it convinced me that these will be a great addition to our curriculum.
I want these! Wearecurrently doing copy work using Writing with Ease, but I want to move to cursive and I love how this copy work matches our other studies so well.
I am going to homeschool my 5 year old in September and I made a decision to use pre scripts, however I have not bought anything yet, to win these would be wwonderful!! I also have a son so to use these for both would be so helpful.
We do copywork with the memory work (my daughter is young) but I’m ready to start cursive with her! I love that they connect with the timeline & history sentences.
I saw these at CHAP right after I bought a different classical copywork book. I may have to switch to these the next year. We are definitely trying to teach writing classically here.
We are quite looking forward to using these books! I appreciate the integration of cycle 2’s timeline into the Prescripts handwriting/copywork lessons.
I’m still new to CC and the homeschool scene and these would be a great addition to our curriculum. Thanks for the review.
Would love to win these!
I really love the look of these! We use the Queen Homeschool copywork books right now.
My oldest is still learning to write his letters, but we will be starting copywork soon!
My boys enjoy history, drawing and coloring! These books will be a wonderful addition to our classical curriculum. Thanks for the wonderful review! Laura Gillette
How we do copywork right now… is that I give the kids printing sheets and we work on our CC memory work or Awana verses. I would LOVE to try out prescripts, though! 🙂
I almost bought these at my practicum, but decided to wait another year. But hey, if I had them for free, I might just use them early! 🙂 Stephanie Saville A
My son would really benefit from these, and it would be such a great addition to our curriculum this year.
Would love to win them…trying cursive for the first time this year;)
I’ve done a little copywork with my oldest, but just getting him to sit down and do handwriting is a chore. He has a bit of a perfectionist personality we had to work through the fact that it wasn’t going to be perfect to begin with, but the more consistent we are the better it gets.
Yes! We do copywork almost daily. I create my own and sell it at http://www.classicalcopywork.com These books look really neat, though, and I’d love to use them!
I would love to implement these books as a part of our routine!
This will be our first year with CC and we are so excited! I would love to integrate these books with what we already have planned as newbie CCers:)
Thanks for the review and giveaway!!!
I used Abeka, but would love to simplify and streamline the process to coincide with CC.
I use a variety of things for copywork — sometimes a verse or poem or some famous quotes. These look nice.
We’ve been doing abeka for penmanship but this would be awesome for us!
last year was our first year in CC and I didn’t do anything formal. This year I am going to try Writing with Ease. Would love to integrate the PreScripts too!
From Tracy C. (Problem signing in, sorry!):
New homeschooler and wasnt sure how to add copywork to our routine. These would make it so eady! And I think my boys would enjoy doing them!! Thanks for the chance to win them!
A Reason For Handwriting as well as our weekly verses we are learning from the bible.
Would love to win one of these.
I love doing copywork at home! I usually just put up a couple quotes or scripture passages on the board for my children to copy. Sometimes if there are certain words they need practice with I use those too. I’ve made it longer and longer through the year and it’s amazing to see how much they can copy quickly and with neatness (without complaining) now as compared to when we first started! 🙂
I’m a new homeschool mom, too. This set would be great for our little one. Thanks for the giveaway!
These books have made my children excited again about handwriting. They desire to work on cursive even before I have asked them. A homeschool Mom’s dream.
Copy work and writing letters to family are great ways to incorporate penmanship.
i’m still on the fence about getting them.
Andi Maddux
We began copywork this Spring; it would be nice to have the Prescript books.
We focus on scripture and CC history sentences.
Currently we use Writing With Easy for our copywork exercises, and every now and then I supplement with scripture, poetry, hymns, etc…. Thank you for such a fabulous giveaway!
Yes, we do copy work in our home. Usually I make my older boys copy the CC history sentences a few times each week. We work on the mistakes and by the end of the week, we have our “perfect” copy. Before CC, I usually just picked our memory verse for the week and they copied that!
Great giveaway!!
We do copywork at home but I would love to add this so it is all “connected” together in everything we do through CC!!
We are doing handwriting books and we’ve done copy work of bible verses. 🙂 start CC this year. So grateful for your resources!
We are really looking forward to using these!
We used CC history and science sentences last year as well as bible verses.
We use First Language Lessons, Writing With Easy, Scripture for our copy work. This would be great!
I have been printing from c3 but this is way better!
This would be a wonderful addition to our homeschool experience!
I have 2 almost Kindergartners so we’ve practiced letter writing with Learn to Read in 100 Easy Lessons but this looks like a wonderful addition to our future curriculum…and since I have to buy 2 of everything a welcomed prize! 🙂
We use Writing With Ease for our copywork, but I like the look of Prescripts.
This year, I am simply using the Medieval Prescript for my daughter’s copywork. It fits right along where we are in history as well. Love.
We’ve been looking at these!
We are brand new to homeschooling and to Classical Conversations. We just attended the 3 day parent practicum in Cocoa Fl. and are so excited to start our journey.
Exactly what we need! 🙂
We are NEWBIES- We’ll be starting this fall- this looks like an excellent option!! Thanks for the opportunity!
I’m ashamed to admit we don’t regularly have copy work. That’s changing this fall!
I’ve been thinking of buying these, but the budget is tight!
I’ve been in Classical Conversations for 5 years but am always curious about new products! I would love to use these with me 6 year old Abecedarian!
I was very excited to see that Prescripts has the copy work laid out for you. And the extra bonus of getting the handwriting practice in there too is great.
My oldest is six and hasn’t been particularly excited about pencil work this past year. I keep thinking this might be a better way for him to learn without the pressure of a more formal curriculum. He reads very well, and has expressed interest in being able to read cursive. Maybe?
I do wish this were available in a variety of handwriting styles – but everything else is exactly what i’ve been wishing for for YEARS! 🙂
I use Bible verses or something from the CC memory work for copywork — although this looks so much more organized! I would love to win these for my 2 that are learning cursive!
We do copywork a few different ways in our home: One way, is that the child reads a passage aloud and then copies it, or a portion of it. Another, is that we memorize a piece of information (either a Scripture verse, or history sentence), and copy that. OR, the child is allowed to select a sentence or paragraph (depending on age) from the book of their choice, and copy it. We focus on 4 things in our copywork: 1.) Neatness, 2.) Word spacing, 3.) Uppercase letters, and 4.) Punctuation. As a note, we work on cursive separate from our copywork.
Looked at these at a practicum, wasn’t sure which one to start with. They all look really great! We have used handwriting without tears & copy pages from a website that you can make. Thats what we did last year.
These look wonderful! We’ve done copywork with WWE, and I’ve printed out cursive sheets online, but this would be so much better! -Amy C.
We’ve never really done copywork, but decided this year we need to – our boys handwriting leaves a lot to be desired 🙂
Just finished my practicum today… they looked really nice and excellent quality.
This will be our first year with Classical Conversations. We’re so excited to be a part of it! We have always used our memory work as copy work and used Getty Dubay for hand writing.
We do some copywork, but not a ton – however I got a PreScripts for my daughter and she loves it.
Oh I was just at the Parent Practicum and looked at these…They aren’t in my budget, but if I WIN them, that would be AWESOME!!!!
My daughter is just learning to print and I’d love to use these with her!
First year homeschooling, I would love these!!
We usually just use dry erase over the sheet with a page protector over it. That way, we can use it over and over again!
I write a verse, poem, or memory fact on the whiteboard, and all my kiddos copy it. My oldest copies the whole thing, and my youngest copies as much as he can neatly in the time allotted. We began using the first Prescripts book this Spring, and they all love the art. I’d love to have the set so my oldest can move on!
my boys are still not forming letters as well as I’d like. I like that these books have easy to follow instructions plus quality copy work! Would be great to have a set to get them moving forward.
We’ve used Startwrite in the past to create our own copywork, but I am never faithful with it.
I have done different things for copy work…Bible verses, poems, small parts of reading assignments, Classical Conversations History sentences. Love the idea of these books!
Love CC & would love to get my 4 year old started on the lower end & my 7 yr old is wanting to learn cursive this year. This would be a great way to reinforce what we’re learning this cycle. Thanks for posting!
I would love to try these!
I have 5 children and looked at these yesterday at our practicum. Im so excited to start using these. Look like great tools to help me teach cursive while also learning scritpures and so much more!
We are just beginning our CC journey for the 2013-14 school year. We have 7 children, so any giveaways are a true blessing! These look great!
Right now we do the copy work suggested in First Language Lessons for my first grader. After your review of the Prescripts I’m wanting to use these next year. I’d love to be able to solidify our CC memory work.
I am starting this year with CC!
great giveaway! hoping hoping hoping…
We have just done copy work through Writing With Ease. These look really awesome! Thanks!
We are using WWE, but these look so fun! Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Super excited to give these a try!
This is a great giveaway! I am super excited about trying them!
We are starting CC (and homeschooling) for the first time this year! I would be so blessed to have something that would make writing easier for me and my daughter! Thanks for the giveaway!
We are new to homeschool and cc also!!! Thanks for this opportunity!!
I am so happy that CC published Prescripts this year. They are fantastic!
I wish I would have known about these before I ordered next years supplies!
We don’t do copywork yet, as my 5 year old is just learning to write, but I’ve seen the PreScripts and love them!
We’re new to CC this year (my son is 4.5) but so far I have my son write my grocery lists and I verbally spell out the words for him. We’ve down some single letter copying otherwise, but that’s it. I’m thrilled to get going and Precripts looks awesome!!
We are starting CC in the fall. Up to now, we’ve done copy work as copying various scriptures. I look forward to seeing what CC can bring to our homeschool. 🙂
We have been using A Reason for Handwriting, but I’d like to try these since we’re starting CC in the fall.
Oh, I would totally love this! We’ve done a mish-mash of different things for copy work the last year. We were using FLL but it was really ummm…well…boring!